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Importance and Virtues of Hajj in Islam
Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is the importance and virtues of Hajj.
Importance and virtues of Hajj
There are many hadiths about the virtues of Hajj and Umrah. Some of them are mentioned below:
1. Hajj is one of the best deeds
Abu Hurairah RA. Narrated from, Rasulullah (SAW) was asked, which deed is the best?
He said: To believe in Allah and His Messenger. It was said, then what? He said Jihad in the way of Allah. It was said then which? Then he said, Hajj accepted.
Bukhari: 62; Muslim: 38.
According to another hadith, a person asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) about the best deed.
In reply he said, Faith in one God; Then the Hajj of Mabrur, which is the best of all deeds; It is just like the difference between the rising and setting of the sun (the difference of its excellence with other periods).
Ahmad: 4/342.
2. The reward of sinless Hajj is Paradise
Abu Huraira RA. Narrated by the Prophet (PBUH) said:
And the reward of Mabrur Hajj is nothing but Jannah.
Bukhari: 3771; Muslim: 9431.
3. Hajj is equivalent to Jihad for women
Ayesha. Narrated, He said, I asked the Messenger (PBUH), O Messenger of Allah, Jihad is considered the best deed, shall we not do Jihad? He said: The best Jihad for you is the Hajj of Mabrur.
Bukhari: 4872.
It is described in another hadith, Ayesha RA. He said, O Messenger of Allah, shall we not go with you to jihad and expedition? He said The best and most beautiful Jihad for you is ‘Hajj’ – Hajj of Mabrur.
Fathul Bari: 4/1861.
Abu Huraira RA. Narrated by the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, Hajj and Umrah are Jihad for the elderly, minors, weak, and women.
Nasa’i: 2/557
4. Hajj expiates sins
Abu Hurairah RA. Narrated by the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
He who performed Hajj for the sake of Allah, refrained from sexually immoral acts and words, and abstained from sinful deeds, returned from his mother’s womb as pure as the day he was born.
Bukhari: 1521; Muslim: 1350.
The meaning of this hadith is Amr Ibnul As. It is further established by the hadith narrated from, The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him, “Don’t you know that one’s acceptance of Islam wipes away all his previous sins, Hijrah wipes away all his previous sins, and Hajj wipes away all his previous sins?”
Muslim: 121.
5. Like Hajj, Umrah also expiates sins
Abu Hurairah RA. On the authority of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said, “Whoever comes to this house, then abstains from sexual immorality and speech and refrains from sinful acts, he returns as (innocent) as the day he was born from his mother’s womb.”
According to Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani, both Hajj and Umrah pilgrims are meant here.
Fathul Bari: 3/382.
6. Hajj and Umrah, apart from expiation of sins, also remove the hardships of Hajj and Umrah pilgrims
Abdullah Ibn Masud RA. Narrated by him, he said, The Messenger of Allah said, “Perform Hajj and Umrah consecutively, because it removes want and sin, just as a blacksmith’s tool removes dirt from iron, gold, and silver.”
Tirmidhi: 810
7. People performing Hajj and Umrah are guests or representatives of Allah
Ibn Umar RA. Narrated by, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam said, “Those who win battles in the way of Allah, those who perform Hajj and Umrah are the guests or representatives of Allah.” Allah called them, and they responded to his call. And they asked him and he gave them.
Ibn Majah: 2893; Ibnu Hibban: 3400; Musnad Ahmad: 1489.
It is described in another hadith, Abu Hurairah RA. Narrated from, the Messenger of Allah said, the people who perform Hajj and Umrah are the guests or representatives of Allah. When they call upon Allah, He answers their call. If they seek forgiveness from Him, He forgives them.
Ibn Majah: 2883.
8. From one Umrah to another Umrah is the expiation of sins and sins
Abu Hurairah RA. Narrated by, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said, From one Umrah to another Umrah, whatever (sin) occurs between these two is expiation for him.
Bukhari: 1773; Muslim: 1394.
9. Even if he goes out to perform Hajj and dies, he will continue to receive the reward of Hajj
Abu Huraira RA. Narrated, he said, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, for the person who went out for Hajj; After he died, the merits of Hajj will continue to be recorded for him until the Day of Resurrection. And the person who goes out for Umrah and dies, the good deeds of Umrah will continue to be registered for him until the Day of Judgment.
Sahihut-Targhib Wat-Tarhib: 1114.
10. Performing Umrah in the month of Ramadan is very prestigious
Ibn Abbas RA. Narrated, Rasulullah (SAW) said, Surely performing Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to performing Hajj or he said, it is equivalent to performing Hajj with me.
Bukhari: 1863; Muslim: 1256.
11. When one goes out to Baitullah, every step is written with good deeds, sins are forgiven, and his status is increased.
Abdullah Ibn Umar RA. Narrated by, Rasulullah SAW said, When you leave your house for Baitullah, every time you put your foot on the ground and lift your foot, one good deed will be written for you and your sins will be forgiven.
Tabrani, Mu’zamul Kabir : 11/55.
Anas Ibn Malek RA. Narrated by: The Messenger of Allah said, When you leave your house for Baitullah, every time you shave your camel’s leg and remove it, one good deed will be written for you, one sin will be forgiven and your status will be increased.
Sahihut-Targheeb Wat-Tarheeb: 1112.
It is necessary to remember that whoever acts only to please Allah, completes Hajj-Umra according to the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAW, he will gain these virtues. Two conditions must be fulfilled for any deed to be accepted by Allah.
First condition: Do it only for the pleasure of Allah. Rasulullah said the results of all actions depend on the intention. Everyone gets what he decides.
Bukhari: 1/9; Muslim : 3/1515.
Second condition: To be by the Sunnah of the Prophet. Because, he says, whoever does such a deed, which does not have our permission, is rejected.
Muslim: 3/344.
Therefore, those whose actions are only to please Allah and by the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless them and grant them peace, and their deeds will be accepted by Allah. On the other hand, if both the conditions or any one of them are absent in his practice, his practice will be rejected. Allah says about their actions:
And I will proceed to what they have done. Then I will turn him into scattered dust.
Furkan: 23.
On the other hand, Allah says about the deeds of those who fulfill both conditions.
And who is better in religion than him, who surrendered himself fully to Allah in a state of righteousness?
Nisa: 125.
Allah also says,
Yes, whoever submits himself to Allah and is a righteous deed, for him is a reward from his Lord. And they have no fear nor will they grieve.
Bakara: 112.
So Umar RA. Narrated, ‘The outcome of all actions depends on the intention’ hadith is the criterion of the acts of the heart and Aisha RA. The hadith narrated ‘Whoever does a deed that does not have my permission is rejected’ is the standard for the actions of the limbs. Hadiths have two broad meanings. None of the fundamentals and branches of Deen and the actions of the heart and limbs are beyond it. In a word, the entire deen is covered.
Importance and Virtues of Hajj in Islam
importance of hajj in the Quran and hadith, the importance of hajj to a Muslim, the importance of hajj, the importance of hajj in Islam Quran, the importance of hajj in Islam, virtues of hajj, benefits of hajj, benefits of hajj in Islam, virtues and benefits of hajj, hajj importance
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