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Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules

Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules Info

Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules বিবরণ

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Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules

Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim; Today’s topic of discussion is what is the meaning of the word I’tikaf, the virtues of I’tikaf, the rules of I’tikaf, and many more things related to I’tikaf.

Itikaf meaning

Itikaf is derived from the Arabic word awqaf. The literal meaning of I’tikaf is to cling to something and bind oneself to it (to be engrossed, engrossed, engrossed); Whether that thing is good or bad. 

Almighty Allah says:

(Ibrahim said to his father and his people,) What are the idols that you are worshiping, (or sitting as worshippers)? 

Quran 21/52

In the terms of the Shari’ah, to confine oneself within the mosque of a particular person in the hope of attaining nearness to Allah; Thus all people and all the work of the world is to stay away from action and work of reward; Itikaaf is the gathering together for worship such as prayer, dhikr and recitation of the Qur’an.

Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan

Itikaf is one of the acts of reward to be done during the month of Ramadan which is particularly urgent; I’tikaf is one of the Sunnahs that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has performed during this month of Ramadan every year, especially in its last ten years. The proof of all these words is as follows:

1. Allah Almighty says, (And I made Abraham and Ishmael promise that) both of you keep My House (the Kaaba) holy for those who perform Tawaf, Itikaf, Ruku, and Sajdah. 

Quran 2/125

He said elsewhere, “You do not marry your wife when you are in Itikafar in the mosque.” 

Quran 2/187

2. Abu Huraira RA said, the Prophet used to do Itikaaf for 10 days every Ramadan, But in the year of his death, he performed Itikaf for 20 days. 

Bukhari 2044

3. Ayesha (RA) said, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to do Itikaaf every Ramadan; He would enter his Itikafgah after offering the Fajr prayer. 

Bukhari 2041, Muslim 1173

4. Ayesha RA said, the Prophet SAW performed Itikaaf in the last decade of Ramadan until his death; After that, his wives also performed Itikaaf. 

Bukhari 2026, Muslim 1172

5. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed I’tikaf and his Companions performed I’tikaf with him. 

Bukhari 2016, Muslim 1167

What are the types of Itikaf?

Itikaf is of two types; Wajib and Sunnah. 

The Sunnah is the I’tikaf which the servant voluntarily performs in imitation of the Prophet (PBUH) in order to gain nearness and reward to Allah. And this I’tikaf is recommended to be done in the last decade of Ramadan; As mentioned earlier.

Wajib is the I’tikaf that the servant has made obligatory for himself; Whether it is subject to general interest or conditionally deferred interest; For example, if someone says, I have vowed to perform I’tikaf for the sake of Allah, or if Allah heals my patient, I will perform I’tikaf for him; Then it is wajib to perform i’tikaf.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever makes a vow to obey Allah (Ibadah), let him keep it.”

Bukhari 6696

Once Umar said, O Messenger of God! I accepted the vow of I’tikaf for one night in Masjid al-Haram during the Jahili era. The Holy Prophet said You fulfill your vow.

Bukhari 2032

Itikaf time

It is important to perform Wajib I’tikaf exactly at the time specified by the Desired person in his Nazr. If he makes a vow of I’tikaf for one day or more, then it is wajib for him to observe what his vow mentions.

And there is no fixed time for Sunnat Itikaaf. Such I’tikaf is realized only if you intend to stay in the mosque; Whether that time is long or short. The reward will be gained until the stay in the mosque. If you leave the mosque and want to come back and do I’tikaf, you have to renew your intention.

The Holy Prophet s.a.w. performed Itikaaf for 10 days; And in his last life he performed Itikaf for 20 days. Similarly, he performed Itikaaf in the first decade of Ramadan, then in the middle decade, and then in the last decade. 

Bukhari 2016 Muslim 1167

Itikaf period

As mentioned earlier, there is no waiting period for Mustahab Itikaaf. So whenever a pilgrim enters the mosque and intends to stay there to gain closeness to Allah, then he will be considered a pilgrim until he leaves it. But if he wants to perform I’tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadan, then he will enter the mosque before the night of the 21st (the sun sets on the 20th). 

Because, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, whoever wants to perform I’tikaf with me, should perform I’tikaf in the last decade.

Bukhari 2027

Here the last decade means the last ten nights. And the first night of the last ten nights is the night of the 21st.

On the other hand, it is proven in the Sahih that the Holy Prophet entered his Itikaaf after performing the Fajr prayer. Bukhari 2041, Muslim 1173

This means that at that time he entered the designated place for I’tikaf inside the mosque. As he used to perform I’tikaf in a special place inside the mosque. As narrated in Sahih Muslim, he performed I’tikaf inside a small Turkish tent made of wool.

Muslim 1167

But it was early night when he entered the mosque for I’tikaf. 

A person who performs I’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan will leave the mosque after sunset on the last day of the month. 

On the other hand, a person who has vowed to perform I’tikaf for one night or a certain number of nights will enter the I’tikaf place before the sun sets completely and will leave it after the dawn has clearly risen. 

Conditions of Itikaf

There are certain conditions for I’tikaf to be pure.

1. Itikaaf should be in the mosque. 

Since Allah Almighty says,

In other words, you do not marry your wife when you are in i’tikaf in the mosque. 

Quran 2/187

Needless to say, he mentioned the mosque as the place of I’tikaf. Therefore, if I’tikaf was performed in a place other than the mosque, it would not have been mentioned in the verse.

Then it should be known that I’tikaf can be done sitting in any mosque. But there is no doubt that the great 3 mosques; That are, it is best to perform Itikaf in Masjid al-Haram, Masjid al-Nabawi, and Masjid al-Aqsa. For example, praying in these 3 mosques is many times better than in other mosques.

The condition of the mosque is that it should be Jame Masjid.

Ayesha (RA) said It is Sunnah for the Itikaafari that he should not visit any sick person. And there is no Itikaf in any other mosque except Jame Masjid.

Sahih Adabul Mufrad 2160

Note that it is not pure for a woman to perform I’tikaf in her home mosque (where she prays 5 times). Because it is actually not a mosque in any sense. 

2. The Itikaf performer must be free from major impurities (caused by ejaculation, menstruation, or Nefas).

On the other hand, it is best to perform Itikaf in the last decade of Ramadan; As discussed earlier.

Itikaf niyat 

Niyat is obligatory for every worship. Niyat means a determination of mind. And its place is the heart; not the face The Holy Prophet and none of his companions used to utter any specific word; So it is innovative to pronounce it in the mouth; Moreover, there is no restrictive wording for intention; If you make up your mind for any worship, it will become an intention; There is no need to pronounce anything on the face.

What is mustahabb for a person who is in Itikaf

1. It is mustahabb for the person doing I’tikaf to pray more and more, to keep oneself busy in prayer, recitation of the Qur’an, dhikr, Istighfar, durood, and salaam, dua, etc.; By which worship the servant can gain nearness to Allah and the Muslim can establish a relationship with his great creator.

2. A place will be designated inside the mosque and will stay there. Nafee said Abdullah bin Umar RA showed the place of the mosque where the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to perform Itikaaf.

Muslim 1171

What is valid for a person who is in Itikaf

1. Itikaafari may leave the mosque for essential matters. For example, it is permissible to go out for personal needs, to eat and drink, to bring clothes or winter cover, and to urinate. According to Shari’a requirements; For example, it is not illegal to go outside the mosque to perform ghusl or ablution.

Mother Ayesha (RA) said, (During Itikaaf) the Prophet (PBUH) did not come home except for personal needs.

He also said that it is Sunnah for the Itikaafari not to visit a sick person, not to attend a funeral, not to touch a woman, gossip, or have sexual intercourse, and not to leave the mosque unless absolutely necessary.

Sahih Adabul Mufrad 2160

2. Itikaf pilgrims can eat, drink and sleep inside the mosque. However, the purity and cleanliness of the mosque must be taken care of. It can speak legitimately for its own needs or those of others. 

3. Shaving the head, cutting long nails, taking care of physical cleanliness, wearing nice clothes, using perfume, etc. are valid for the Itikaafari.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to take his head out of the Masjid during I’tikaf and bow before Hujra Aisha and she used to wash and shave her head even during menstruation. 

Bukhari 2028, 2030, Muslim 297

4. If a member of the family comes to meet the person performing I’tikaaf in the mosque during I’tikaf, it is permissible to leave the mosque to see him off. Hazrat Safiyyah did this when he came to meet the Holy Prophet. 

Bukhari 2035, Muslim 2175

Whether mobile can be used during Itikaf

A mobile phone can be used during Itikaaf if it is used for worship; Such as reciting the Quran, reciting the hadith, listening to the recitation of the Quran, etc. But mobile cannot be used for any worldly work during Itikaaf. Since the purpose of I’tikaf is to refrain from all worldly activities and engage in the worship of Allah more and gain His pleasure.

Reasons for breaking Itikaf

1. Deliberately leaving the mosque even for a short time without extreme necessity invalidates the I’tikaf; Since staying in the mosque is one of the conditions or Ruqan for Itikaaf. 

2. Itikaaf is invalid if the wife has sexual intercourse. Because God says,

And don’t go to the mosque while you are in Itikaf. This is the limit set by Allah. So don’t go near him. 

Quran 2/187

3. Itikaaf is nullified if one becomes unconscious. Because it does not distinguish between good and bad people. 

4. Itikaaf is invalidated when women start menses or Nefas. Because sanctity is a condition.

5. Itikaaf is nullified if one commits shirk, kufr, or apostasy through any word or deed. 

Almighty Allah says, If you commit shirk, your deeds will become bad. 

Quran 39/65

Breaking Itikaf and performing its Qaza

The I’tikaf performer may break it before the time he intended to do I’tikaf is complete. Once the Messenger of Allah saw his wives making a tent for I’tikaf and ordered it to be torn down and after making the intention he left I’tikaf with them. Then he performed the I’tikaf in the first decade of the month of Shawwal. 

Bukhari 2033, Muslim 1173

According to the hadith, it is a mustahabb for a person who breaks the Nafal after starting Itikaf. On the other hand, a person who breaks it due to some difficulty after starting Najr Itikaf is wajib for him to perform it if he has the opportunity and ability. But if he dies before performing it, his next of kin will perform it on his behalf.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us Tawfiq to understand things correctly and to act. Allahumma Amen.

Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules

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Itikaf, It’s meaning & legitimacy – IslamOnline

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