Ashura meaning and Ashura history in Islam

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Ashura meaning and Ashura history in Islam

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is what is the meaning of the word Ashura, what is Ashura called, history of Ashura?

Ashura meaning

The sound of Ashura makes the common man shudder; Because their idea is that Ashura is related to the events of Karbala. And Karbala means the tragic martyrdom of Imam Husain bin Ali, the grandson of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in his own family. But in fact, Ashura means the tenth day of Muharram, the first month of the lunar year. Allah Ta’ala has made 4 of the 12 months, namely: Jilqad, Jilhaj, Muharram, and Rajab, as Haram and honorable months.

The words of Allah Ta’ala:

Surely in the decree of Allah and the reckoning are twelve months, from the creation of the heavens and the earth. Four of them are haram i.e. honorable. This is a well-established provision; So do not wrong yourselves in it.

Surah Tawba: Verse No. 36

And people think that Ashura has been named because ten important things have been held on this day. But there is no exact proof of this.

History of Ashura

Four of the 12 months of Hijri are Haram months. Jilkad, Jilhaj, Muharram and Rajab. The first haram month is Muharram and the last haram month is Jilhaj. And in the middle is the forbidden month Rajab. The Arabs called the month of Muharram “Swafrul Awal” or the first visit and made war halal and haram as they wished. Allah Ta’ala abrogated it and renamed it Al-Muharram. Therefore, for the sake of importance, the month of Muharram has been called Shahrullahil Muharram i.e. the month of Muharram of Allah. The day of Ashura is undoubtedly an important day. This day reminds us of a historical event. It is a great day for the establishment of migration and rights for the purpose of religious protection. And that is why every Muslim should remember the day with a special act of worship.

In this regard, Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an, ‘And We made the children of Israel cross the river. Then they were pursued by the Pharaoh and the army, for the purpose of debauchery and extravagance. Even when they began to sink, they said, “Now I believe that there is no god but Him in whom the Children of Israel believed.” In fact, I belong to his followers. Now you say that. But you disobeyed before and were among the misguided. So today I save your body so that it can be a sign for those who come after you. And surely many people do not notice My great power.’ – Surah Yunus: 90-92

It is clear from a number of Saheeh hadeeths that Moses and his people, the Children of Israel, were saved on this day by crossing the sea from Egypt through the tyranny, oppression, and oppression of Pharaoh. That is why Moses (peace be upon him) fasted on this day out of gratitude and gratitude to Allah and later on, the children of Israel also fasted.

Apart from this incident, many incidents are heard on the day of Ashura, but there is no authentic record of them.

Ashura meaning and Ashura history in Islam

what is Ashura, Ashura meaning, what is Ashura day, day of Ashura, Ashura day, what’s Ashura, whats Ashura, Ashura history, what does ashura mean, Ashura meaning in English, Ashura meaning in Islam, day of Ashura meaning, what is Ashura in Islam mean, what is Ashura in Islam, what is Ashura day in Islam

Ashura Fasting benefits. Virtues of Ashura

Ashura | Definition, History, & Facts – Encyclopedia Britannica

What is Ashura? – BBC News


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