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Archives for admin
6 Pillars of Iman in Arabic and English
Ghusl meaning in Islam. Fard & Sunnah of ghusl
Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem and Subhana Rabbi Al Ala meaning
When is Laylatul Qadr 2024? Signs of Laylatul Qadr
When is Shab e Barat 2024 in USA? Shabe Barat 2024
When is Shab e Meraj 2024 in USA? Lailat al Miraj 2024
Allahumma inni a’uzu bika minal hammi wal hazan
Risalat meaning in Islam. Importance of believing in Risalat
Akhirah meaning. Why is it essential to believe in Akhirah?
Ilm meaning in Islam. Importance of Islamic knowledge
How to perform Sajda Sahw in Salah?
Rabbir Hum Huma Dua meaning in English
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem meaning
Is marriage compulsory in Islam?
Dua to get anything you want
Rabbana Atina Fid Dunya meaning & Arabic Dua
Allahumma Inni A’uzu Bika Min Azabil Qabr
Dua for wedding night in Islam. Sunnah of wedding night
La Ilaha Illallah Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu Lahul Mulku Hadith
Taqwa Meaning in Islam. Importance of Taqwa
Iqamah meaning. Iqamah words with English transliteration
La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah meaning and benefits
Jazakallah Khair meaning. Jazak Allahu Khayran reply
Mashallah Meaning in English. What does Mashallah Mean?
As Salaam Alaikum and Walaikum Salam meaning
Dua before and after eating food and drinking milk
Dua for Rizq and Wealth. Acts of sustenance increase
Dua for Children protection and health in Arabic and English
What are Isme Azam and Isme Azam Dua and what are they?
Benefits of Surah Kahf. Surah Kahf first 10 verses benefits
Fi Amanillah meaning in English
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un Arabic & English Meaning
What is Qurbani in English? Qurbani rules in Islam
Ihram meaning. How to tie Ihram?
How to perform Umrah step by step?
Pillars of Umrah and Wajib of Umrah
Takbeer e Tashreeq in Arabic
Steps of Hajj in order. Rules of Hajj in Islam. Hajj Dua
Condition for Hajj to become Fard
How many and what are the Fard of Hajj?
Importance and Virtues of Hajj in Islam
What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj
Dua to get out of debt or dua for debt relief
Day of Arafah Fasting Virtues and Dua of the Day of Arafah
Virtues and deeds of the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah
Rules and virtues of fasting in the month of Shawwal
Sunnah of Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha in Islam
How to pray Eid prayer?
What is Eid? History of Eid. Importance of sermon of Eid
How to pray Laylatul Qadr prayer?
Laylatul Qadr dua Arabic with English translation
When is Laylatul Qadr 2023? Signs of Lailatul Qadr
The virtues and importance of Laylatul Qadr
What is Laylatul Qadr? Laylatul Qadr meaning in English
Zakat al Fitr meaning and Zakat ul Fitr amount 2023
Itikaf meaning in Islam. Benefits of Itikaf in Ramadan. Itikaf rules
How to calculate Zakat and How to pay Zakat?
Who is eligible for Zakat?
How many dollars is Zakat obligatory?
Who is Zakat obligatory on? When is Zakat due?
On which wealth is Zakat obligatory? What is Nisab of Zakat?
What are the conditions of Zakat to be obligatory?
Importance of Zakat in Islam and punishment for not paying
Zakat meaning and What is zakat in Islam?
Dua after breaking fast in Ramadan
Sehri and Iftar time Ramadan 2023
Taraweeh dua Arabic and English transliteration
Rules of Taraweeh prayer. How to pray Taraweeh?
What is the best time to pray Taraweeh?
How many Rakats in the Taraweeh prayer?
Is Taraweeh salah sunnah or nafl?
What is the importance of Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan
What is the meaning of the Arabic word Taraweeh?
What are the things that break your fast in Islam?
Niyyat for fasting in Ramadan in English
Rules of fasting in Islam. Pillars of fasting in Islam
The importance of fasting in ramadan
Sawm meaning in Islam. What is the purpose of Sawm?
What should we do in Ramadan month?
Preparation for the month of Ramadan
The importance of the month of Ramadan
How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps
Significance of Shab e Barat. Shab e Barat Namaz
Dua for driving a vehicle in English. Dua before driving
Importance of month of Shaban
Dua for leaving home. Dua when leaving the house
Dua for the dead person in Islam in English
What to do on Shab e Miraj? Shab e Meraj Ibadat
Sana Dua for namaz in English
When is Shab e Meraj 2023 in USA? Lailat al Miraj 2023
Rajab month Duas, Virtues, importance, and Fasting
Dua for entering the masjid and Dua when leaving the masjid
Astaghfirullah meaning. Astagfirullah Dua in Arabic and English
Dua for Shifa from sickness in Islam
Dua for pain relief in body stomach and head. Dua for headache
Dua before entering the bathroom & Dua for leaving the bathroom
Dua for a sick person in Arabic. Dua for patient
Istikhara Dua with English translation. How to pray Istikhara?
Dua for protection from danger and harm
Alhamdulillah meaning and Virtue of saying Alhamdulillah
Subhanallah meaning in English & virtues of saying Subhanallah
Wudu steps. How to make Wudu? Dua after Wudu
Dua after Salah. Dhikr after Prayer. Tasbeeh after Namaz
Dua after Adhan and answer of Azan in Arabic and English
Dua before intercourse and Islamic rules of wife intercourse
How many Rakats in Asr Namaz? How to pray Asr Prayer?
Qasar Namaz rules. How to pray qasr Salah?
How many rakats in maghrib prayer? How to pray maghrib namaz?
How to perform Ishraq prayer or Duha prayer?
Dua between two Sajdah. Dua between Sujood
Attahiyat (Tashahhud) with English translation
Surah Hashr last 3 Ayat with translation and benefits
How many Rakats in Zuhr? How to pray Dhuhr prayer?
How many Rakats in Isha? How to pray Isha?
How to pray Salatul Tasbeeh. Salatul Tasbih
Darood Sharif in English. Durood Sharif in Arabic
Dua Yunus with English translation
Sayyidul Istighfar with English translation
Surah Baqarah last 2 Ayat with English
Ayatul Kursi in Arabic with English transliteration and translation
How many Rakats in Fajr prayer & how to pray?
Ashura Fasting benefits. Virtues of Ashura
Ashura meaning and Ashura history in Islam
What is Muharram in Islam? Muharram fasting benefits
Dua for Tahajjud prayer in Arabic and English
How many Rakats in Tahajjud prayer?
When is the best time to pray Tahajjud prayer?
Is Tahajjud sunnah or nafl?
What are the benefits of Tahajjud prayer?
How to pray Tahajjud prayer step by step?
Janazah meaning. What is a Janazah?
Janazah Prayer Dua. Namaz e Janaza Dua
How to pray Janazah prayer in Islam?
Dua for Sleeping and Waking Up in Arabic and English
Dua e Masura in Arabic with English transliteration
Dua e Qunoot in Arabic with English transliteration & translation
What is the meaning rules and dua of Aqiqah in Islam?
Dua e Hajat in Arabic & English and Salatul Hajat Namaz Rules
How to do ghusl in Islam? How to perform ghusl? Ghusl steps
What is Witr Prayer? How to pray Witr Namaz? Witr Salah dua
Dua for visiting grave with transliteration in Islam
Jumma Mubarak meaning and How to pray Jummah Prayer?
Salah meaning in Islam. How to Pray Salat step by step?
What are the Signs of Qiyamah (Qayamat) in Islam?
99 names of Allah (Asmaul Husna) with meaning. Allah’s names
10 Qualities of Momin in Quran. Characteristics of a Mu’min
What is the Meaning and Signs of Munafiq in Islam?
What is the meaning of Ihsan in Islam in English?
What is the Meaning of Nifaq in Islam in English
What is the meaning of Shirk in Islam? Who is Mushrik?
What is the meaning of Kufr and Kafir in Islam?
What is the meaning and definition of Islam in English?
What is the meaning of Iman (Faith) in Islam?
Yajuj and Majuj in Islam. Gog and Magog in Quran
When will Dajjal come? Signs of arrival of Dajjal
Dajjal location hadith. Where is Dajjal located now?
Who is Dajjal in Islam? What is Dajjal? Dajjal meaning
Where is Jahannam located in Islam?
The sun revolves around the earth true or false
Imam Mahdi signs of arrival. Who is Imam Mehdi?
Ibadat (Ibadah) meaning in English in Islam
Al Wahid Name of Allah meaning in English
Meaning of al Ahad name of Allah in English
Who is Allah in Islam? What is the meaning and definition of Allah?
Tawhid meaning in Islam. Importance of Tawheed
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