Rajab Duas, dua for Rajab, Rajab fasting 2023, Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Shaban, dua for the month of Rajab, Rajab dua, what is special about the month of Rajab, Rajab fasting, Rajab Mubarak, 27 Rajab in the USA, 27 Rajab importance in Islam, dua for Rajab moon
Rajab month Duas, Virtues, importance, and Fasting. Dua for Rajab
Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is the dignity, virtues, prayers, and deeds of the month of Rajab.
The dignity of the month of Rajab
Allah says:
Your Lord creates and likes. [Surah Al-Qasas, Verse: 68]
In other words, he chooses something from his own creation and declares its superiority and dignity. As he appointed a few days, and a few months; He gave honor, superiority, and dignity over all other days and months.
Almighty God declares,
Twelve is the fixed number of months according to Allah’s decree since the creation and beginning of the heavens and the earth. Four of them are honored. This infallible and eternal provision; So do not harm yourselves in the meantime. [Surah At-Tawbah, Verse: 36]
Names of the four months are quoted in the hadith, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,
Yuga or Kal has cycled back to the state of the first day of creation of the heavens and the earth. A year of twelve months, four of which are honorable. Three together are Zilqad, Zilhaj, and Muharram. The other is Rajab of the Muzar sect – which is between Jumadal Ukhra and Shaban. [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 3197; Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 1697]
The four months designated by Allah are endowed with special status and great honor. Whose partner is Rajab O, since Rajab is one of him.
Allah says:
O believers! Do not consider Allah’s signs (forbidden things) lawful and honorable months. [Surah al-Maida, verse: 2]
In other words, you don’t consider the protected, prohibited things of Allah Ta’ala – which He has commanded to be respected and forbidden to be abused, to be halal. Which includes false beliefs, forbidden acts – both.
Allah says:
Do not harm yourselves in this. [Surah At-Tawbah, Verse: 36]
That is, in the respective months. Since Allah Ta’ala has bestowed a special honor on these months, it is proper for everyone to respect them and observe their dignity and sanctity: not to commit any sin in them. Moreover, because of the sanctity of the age, the crime is heinous and deadly. That is why Allah Ta’ala has ordered us not to oppress ourselves through the mentioned verse. Otherwise oppressing one’s self or engaging in any other sin is forbidden and prohibited in all months.
Virtues and practices of the month of Rajab
No description of the virtues of the month of Rajab from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has been verified as authentic.
Ibn Hajar said: No hadith has been narrated that is pure and strong as a Shariah document about the virtues of Rajab, fasting in the month of Rajab or fasting on a specific date of Rajab, celebrating a special night of this month. Imam Abu Ismail al-Harabi al-Hafez confirmed this before me. We have narrated the matter from that and from others in the pure scriptures.
He also said that the hadiths about the virtues of Rajab, the virtues of fasting in the month of Rajab or fasting on a specific date are of two types: weak and fabricated.
Shaykh Usaimin (RA) said:
No sahih hadith has been narrated about the virtues of the month of Rajab. The month before the month of ‘Rajab’ has no status different from the month of Rajab over the month of ‘Jumadal Akhira’; Only this month of Rajab is one of the forbidden months. There is no special fast in the month of Rajab. There is no special prayer. And There is no special Umrah. There is no other worship. There is no special practice. The month of Rajab is like any other month. [Likaul Bab al-Maftuh’ (26/174)]
Dua of the month of Rajab
Abdullah ibn Imam Ahmad in his Zawayidul Musnad (2346), Tabarani in his al-Awsat (3939), Bayhaqi in his Shuabul Iman (3534), Abu Nuaim in his al-Hilaya by Zayda bin Abu Riqad. In the source, he said: Ziyad al – Numairi, on the authority of Anas (RA), who said: When the month of Rajab entered, the Prophet, (PHUB), used to say: (اَللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِىْ رَجَبَ وَ شَعْبَانَ وَ بَلِّغَنَا رَمَضَانَ) “Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Shaban wa ballig na Ramadan” (meaning O Allah! The months of Rajab and Sha’ban are for us). Bless us and make us reach Ramadan).
allahumma barik lana fi rajab wa shaban
The source of this hadith is weak. The narrator of the hadith is Ziyad al-Numairi Zayif (weak). Ibn Ma’in called him Zayif. Abu Hatim said: Documents cannot be presented through him. Ibn Hibban mentions him in the Book of the Weak and says: Evidence cannot be presented through him. [Mizanul Itidal (2/91)]
Narrated by Zayda bin Abu Riqad and Ya’if (weak). Abu Hatim said: He narrated several marfu hadiths from Anas (RA) on the authority of Ziyad al-Numairi which are ‘Munkar’. We do not know such a hadith from his sources or Ziyad’s sources. Bukhari said: ‘Munkar ul Hadith’. Nasa’i said: ‘Munkar ul Hadith’. Al-Nasa’i said in ‘Al-Quna’: ‘He is not Shikah (reliable)’. Ibn Hibban said: “Munkar (disreputable) narrates hadith from famous rabbis. The document cannot be given with his hadith. His hadith can be considered as a hadith supporting other hadith.” Ibn Adi said: “He narrates the Hadith ‘Ifrad’ from Al-Muqaddami and others. Some of his hadiths are critical.” [Tahjibut Tahjib 3/305-306]
Imam Nawabi in his book ‘Al-Azkar’ (page 189), Ibn Rajab in his ‘Latayful Maarif’ (page 121), and Al-Albani in his ‘Zayiful Jame’ (page 4395) called the hadith ‘Zayif’ (weak). did
Haychami said: Narrated the hadith of Bayza. The hadith is on the authority of ‘Zaida bin Abu Riqad’. Bukhari said: He is not famous as a hadith narrator and many imams call him ‘Majhul’ (unknown). [Mazmaul Javed (2/165)]
The hadith is weak; Moreover, there is no evidence in this hadith to prove that it will be said on the first night of the month of Rajab. Rather it is a simple dua for blessing. This dua can be said in the month of Rajab or before the month of Rajab.
Some newly discovered practices or innovations centered on the month of Rajab
1. Fasting in the month of Rajab
There is no authentic evidence regarding the merits of fasting in the month of Rajab from the Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, and his Companions. However, like other months, it is valid and Sunnah is to fast on Monday, Thursday, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth days of the week. Omar Ra. He forbade fasting during the month of Rajab. Because there is consistency with the pre-Islamic superstitious Jahili period.
Hafez Ibn Hajar Rah. He said no authentic hadith has been narrated about fasting on specific days of Rajab or any specific night of Rajab. The number of hadiths that are clearly meaningful is divided into two categories. Zayef or weak, mawzu or (fabricated) fake hadith. He collected all the hadiths. Seen, 11 weak hadiths, and 21 fake hadiths.
Ibnul Qayyim Rah. He said, The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not fast for three consecutive months (Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadan) as some people do. We do not know any documents about it.
2. Umrah in the month of Rajab
There is no proof in any hadith that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, performed Umrah in the month of Rajab. For this reason, to perform Umrah specifically during Rajab or to believe that Umrah has special virtues is innovation.
Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim Rah. In his fatwa, he said, there is no fundamental basis behind specifying the month of Rajab by acts like Ziyarat, etc. Because Imam Abu Shama has proved in his book, it is improper, and illegal to set any worship with a specific time, bypassing the Shariah. Because, if the Shariah does not specify any time for special or general acts, then all days and times are considered to be of equal status. This is why the Ulama have forbidden to perform Umrah more often during the month of Rajab. But if one performs Umrah in the month of Rajab normally (without belief in merit), there is no fault in that. Because, at this time, there is an opportunity for him to perform Umrah.
3. Salatur Raghayeb is the prayer of the month of Rajab
This prayer begins with some lies in the hadith scriptures. This prayer is read on the first night of Rajab. In this regard, Imam Nawabi. Said, “This is reprehensible, abominable, the worst innovation. Which consists of several offenses and prohibited acts. So it is obligatory to abandon it, refrain from it and forbid the person who performs it.
Sheikhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah. He said, according to Imam Malek, Shafi’i, Abu Hanifa, Saori, Lais, etc. In the eyes of hadith experts, all the hadiths mentioned in this regard are fake and fabricated.
4. Gathering and celebrating the night of the 27th of Rajab as Lailatul Miraj
It has not been possible to establish any evidence regarding the determination of the Rajni of Miraj or the month of Miraj. There are many disagreements about this, but the truth is revealed. So it is better to remain silent in this case. No authentic hadith has been narrated regarding the specification of the resin of Meraj. All that exists is fake and baseless.
Therefore, it is impermissible and haraam to perform different acts of worship on this night, such as staying awake at night, fasting during the day, or jealousy, expressing joy, free association of men and women, organizing mahfil with music and music, it is not necessary to say that here. The night of the Upper Meraz is also not historically specific. Even if it seems proven, there is no opportunity to celebrate it. Because there was no guidance in this regard from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, the Companions, and the exemplary predecessors.
5. Visit graves seriously during the month of Rajab
This is also innovation. Because a grave visit can be done at any time of the year.
6. Slaughter of animals or similar sacrifices during the month of Rajab
In Jahiliyyah, such acts were performed by specifying the month of Rajab. The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, forbade it. Imam Ibn Rajab said, Slaughtering in the month of Rajab as a virtue is as illegal as celebrating the Eid festival in this month.
Events of the month of Rajab
Ibn Rajab said that the saying that major events took place in the month of Rajab is not correct. It is narrated that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born on the first night of Rajab, and received prophethood on the 27th of Rajab. None of these descriptions are correct.
Dos and Don’ts in the month of Rajab
Refraining from oppressing oneself or others, means devoting oneself to worship, doing more good deeds, and abandoning things protected and prohibited by Allah. In other words, it is necessary to make sincere repentance, to seek refuge in Allah, to be fortunate in the month of Ramadan, and to be liberated in Lailatul Qadr.
Dear readers, let’s prepare ourselves for the current month and take the practice of heart and body to worship or vow obedience to Allah.
Rajab month Duas, Virtues, importance, and Fasting. Dua for Rajab
Rajab Duas, dua for Rajab, Rajab fasting 2023, Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Shaban, dua for the month of Rajab, Rajab dua, Rajab Duas, what is special about the month of Rajab, Rajab fasting, Rajab Mubarak, 27 Rajab in the USA, Rajab Duas, 27 Rajab importance in Islam, dua for Rajab moon, fasting on 27th Rajab, 26 Rajab importance, Rajab Duas, what to do in Rajab, 27th Rajab fasting, what is Rajab in Islam, what to do in the month of Rajab, Rajab Duas, the month of Rajab benefits, fasting in Rajab, dua for the month of Rajab, dua for Rajab Shaban Ramadan, Rajab Duas, Rajab ka wazifa, the importance of Rajab, virtues of Rajab, 27 Rajab is famous for, dua Rajab, Rajab Duas, Rajab ki fazilat, why is Rajab a sacred month
Signs of Qayamat in Islam. Symptoms of qiyamah
Rajab Month Duas and Aamal Duas.org