Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, the sun revolves around the earth true or false: First I will prove that the earth does not rotate, does not move but is stationary. The first proof of this is that nowhere in the Qur’an or Hadith is it said that the earth revolves. Whenever there is talk of day and night, it is said that the sun and the moon all go in their orbits. But nowhere is it said that the earth moves. And the second proof is a hadith, of Imam Tabarani.
Narrated that Ibn Abbas. Said the Prophet. Says Baitul Mamur is located in the sky. He is called Jurah. Its position is just above the Baitullah. If it falls from above, it will fall on Baitullah. From this hadith, we understand that the earth does not rotate or move. If the earth had a diurnal motion, if Baitul Mamur fell from the sky, it would not have fallen on Baitullah i.e. Kaaba. And if there was an annual motion, why wouldn’t Baitul Mamur fall on the Kaaba and fall on the earth?
This time we will prove that the sun revolves around the earth which causes the day and night to rotate. There are many verses in the Qur’an to prove this.
Allah the Almighty said,
He created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Everyone orbits in their orbit. Verse No. 33 of Surah Ambiya.
He added,
He created the heavens and the earth accordingly. And He covers the night with the day and covers the day with the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient. Everyone roams for a certain period. Know that He is Mighty, Forgiving.
There is also evidence of this in a hadith.
Abu Huraira. Said the Prophet. Said, one of the prophets did jihad. He went to Jihad and came to a town during or near the Asr prayer. Then he said to the sun, You are the one who obeys and I am the one who obeys. O ALLAH Stop the sun. Then he was stopped. In the end, God gave him victory. From this hadith, it is understood that the sun causes the rotation of day and night.
So, O Muslim brothers and sisters, if we have such a misconception about what we are living on, then all our knowledge will be random. So in all cases, we should take solutions from the Qur’an and Hadith.