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How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps

How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps Info

How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps বিবরণ

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How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is the rules and definitions of tayammum and how many and what are the duties of tayammum.

Definition of Tayammum

Tayammum means ‘to resolve’. Literally, the Islamic method of attaining purity with soil instead of ablution or bathing when water is not available is called ‘Tayammum’. This is one of the special favors of Allah for the Muslim Ummah. Which has not been given to any Ummah before.

Fiqhs Sunnah 1/59.

Almighty Allah says:

And if you are afflicted, or are on a journey, or come from the toilet, or have touched a woman, and then do not get water, then perform tayammum with holy earth and rub your faces and hands with it.

Maeda 5/6, Nisa 4/43.

How to do Tayammum?

With the intention of achieving purity, say ‘Bismillah’ and hit the ground with both hands and blow on the face and wrists once.

Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah etc. Mishkat Ha/402 ‘Sacredness’ Chapter-3, Paragraph-4; Abu Dawud Ha/101-02; Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/528 ‘Tayammum’ paragraph-10.

The hadith of touching the hands twice and Maseh up to the elbows is Yaif.

Abu Dawud Ha/330, para-124; That, Mishkat Ha/466 ‘Sacredness’ Chapter-3, Paragraph-6.

What are the duties of Tayammum?

Tayammum has two duties. Namely:

1. to decide

2. Saying Bismillah, put both hands on the ground and blow on the face and wrists once.

Reasons for Tayammum

(1) If fresh water is not available

(2) If there is a fear of breaking the prayer while going to get water

(3) If there is a danger of disease in using water

(4) If there is any danger or danger to life etc.

In view of the above reasons, ‘Tayammum’ can be performed continuously for a long time instead of ablution or an obligatory bath.

Maeda 5/6; Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/527 ‘Purity’ Chapter-3, ‘Tayammum’ Chapter-10; Bukhari Ha/344, 1/49 p.; Ahmad, Tirmidhi etc. Mishkat Ha/530.

The Prophet (PHUB) said,

Surely the holy ground is a means of ablution for Muslims. Although he does not get water for 10 years.

Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Mishkat Ha/530, ‘Tayammum’ paragraph-10.

What object can be performed Tayammum?

In the Arabic term ‘Mati’ means the surface of the earth. The soil in Arab countries is mostly rocky and sandy. In various journeys, the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions used to cross long distances through sandy deserts. Especially during the journey to the battle of Tabuk in October 630 AD according to Rajab 9 Hijri, about 750 km from Madinah, they suffered great water hardship in the desert. But it is not known that soil was carried from far away for ‘Tayammum’. Therefore ‘Tayammum’ can be performed with surface soil, sand or rocky soil, etc. However, ‘Tayammum’ is not permissible with dust-free transparent stone, wood, coal, iron, mosaic, plaster, tiles, lime, etc.


(1) If water is found within the time after offering the ‘Tayammum’ prayer, it is unnecessary to offer that prayer again.

Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Daremi, Mishkat ha/533; Abu Dawud ha/338.

(2) What can be done through ablution can be done through Tayammum. In the same way, Tayammum is broken for reasons that fail Wudhu.

(3) If no soil or water is available, perform Salat without ablution.

Bukhari ha/336; Muttafaq ‘Alaih and others; Naylul Awtar 1/400, paragraph ‘Salat without water and soil’.

How to do Tayammum? Tayammum steps

how to do tayammum, tayammum steps, how to do tayammum in the car, how to make tayammum, tayammum ki dua, tayammum ka Farz, tayammum in Quran, how to perform tayammum, steps how to do tayammum

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