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Condition for Hajj to become Fard

Condition for Hajj to become Fard Info

Condition for Hajj to become Fard বিবরণ

Condition for Hajj to become Fard, when does Hajj become obligatory


Condition for Hajj to become Fard

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is the conditions for Hajj to be obligatory or when Hajj is compulsory.

Condition for Hajj to become Fard

There are five conditions for Hajj to be obligatory on a person. Hajj will be obligatory on him only if those are fulfilled. Apart from those five conditions for women, there is another special condition. They are discussed below:-

1. being a Muslim

Allah Ta’ala says, O you who believe, surely the polytheists are impure, so let them not come near Masjid al-Haram after this year.

Surah Tawba: 28

Abu Huraira RA. Narrated from, he said, Abu Bakr Siddiq RA. The year before the Farewell Hajj, in which the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, appointed him the Ameer of Hajj – as a member of a group who was proclaiming at Mina on the Day of Sacrifice that after this year no polytheist would perform Hajj and no naked person would circumambulate Baitullah.

Bukhari: 1/369

2. Completion of intellect or conscience

Therefore, Hajj-Umrah is not obligatory on a person without conscience. Because he cannot know the rules of Islam and understand the commands of Allah. So he is unable to perform the duty. Therefore, he is not commanded to follow the instructions of Allah. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “The pen is removed from a child, a madman, and a sleeping person.”

Ibn Majah: 2402

If someone faints before performing Ihram, it is not permissible for him to perform Ihram while unconscious. Because he can’t intend to perform Hajj or Umrah. If he faints after interrupting Ihram, his Ihram will be purified. There is no harm in his Ihram due to fainting. In such a case, his companions should carry him, so that he can stay at Arafat in time.

3. becoming an adult

Hajj-Umrah is not obligatory for a minor child – even if he has the knowledge to understand or distinguish between good and bad. Because his knowledge and power are not yet perfected. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “The pen is removed from three: (among them) from the child until he reaches youth.”

Tirmidhi: 3241

In another description, from a child until he reaches puberty.

Abu Dawood: 304

But if children perform Hajj or Umrah, it will be considered as Nafal. Ibn Abbas RA. Said, A woman who raised a child and asked, O Messenger of Allah, is there Hajj for this? He said, Yes, and you will be rewarded.

Muslim: 2/479

Children, like adults, will stay away from all prohibited things in the state of Ihram. But his intentional mistakes will be treated as unintentional mistakes. Fidya will not be wajib on him or his guardian due to a mistake. This Hajj will be Nafal for him. If he is able, he must perform Hajj after reaching puberty. Because the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “If a child performs Hajj, then he becomes an adult, then if he is able afterward, he must perform another Hajj.”

Al-Awsat: 2572; Mazmouz Gawaid: 3/602

4. to be independent

Individuals must be independent. Because there is no Hajj on a slave. As the slave is busy fulfilling the rights of his master.

5. to be capable

Allah Ta’ala says, And Hajj to Baitullah for Allah is obligatory on the able people. And whoever commits disbelief, surely Allah is the Most Merciful of all creation.

Al Imran: 97

If you have any debt, pay it before performing Hajj. If you have not paid Zakat, Kaffara, Manat, etc., collect it. Because they are Allah’s debt. Pay people’s debts too. Remember, you are financially capable of going to Hajj if you have the money or ability to complete Hajj activities by paying off all debts and covering family expenses during Hajj travel. Hajj is obligatory for you. But if you are a big businessman, who has to take big loans for various needs, then make a separate will for all your debts. Delegate the responsibility to your heirs or successors.

You try to earn halal sustenance and save enough money to go to Hajj. Never plan Hajj with haram money. If all your wealth is haram, then you should repent. Abandon haram ways and start earning wealth in halal ways. Vow to never go to Haram again.

If you are physically fit. That is, if you are not unable to perform the Hajj tour or perform the Hajj due to physical weakness, old age, or long illness, then you will be considered physically able to perform the Hajj.

And if you are financially and physically able, it is obligatory upon you to perform Hajj physically. And if you are financially capable but not physically capable, then you appoint a representative who will perform Hajj and Umrah on your behalf.

6. Being mahram for women

According to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmad, it is a condition for women to be accompanied by a mahram when performing Hajj at a distance. Hajj is not obligatory on a woman who is not mahram.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “No woman should travel without a mahram, and no man should approach a woman without being a mahram.” A man stood up and said, O Messenger of Allah, I intend to go to such and such a battle. Meanwhile, my wife wished for Hajj. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “Go with your wife.”

Bukhari: 1862

Ibn Abbas RA. Narrated from: The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “A woman should never perform Hajj without a Mahram.”

Darakutani: 2/30

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