Kufr meaning in English. Kafir meaning in Islam



Kufr meaning in English. Kafir meaning in Islam

Kufr meaning

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Kufr meaning: Kufr is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is to deny, conceal, to cover. In the technical sense, kufr is the act of disbelieving or denying something in Tawheed in one’s heart, or disobeying in deeds, that is, believing in Shirk in one’s heart or admitting it in one’s mouth or practicing it.

How many types of kufr

Kufr is mainly of two types. One is the disbelief of the heart or internal kufr which is the opposite of faith. The other is blatant disbelief or manifest kufr which is contrary to Islam.

Internal Kufr

If there is complete faith in Tauhid in the heart and complete disbelief in Shirk, then it is Iman. And if the heart does not have full faith in Tauhid, that is, it has faith in any shirk, then its name is Kufr or Kufr of the heart.

Manifest Kufr

If there is full recognition and implementation of Tauhid in words and deeds and complete denial and non-implementation of shirk, then it is Islam. And if there is no full recognition or implementation of Tauhid in words or deeds, there is no recognition or implementation of any shirk, then it is kufr or blatant kufr.

There are two types of blatant blasphemy. One is the disbelief of words and the other is the disbelief of deeds.

Kufr of word

If there is no full recognition of Tauhid in words, that is, there is recognition of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of words

Kufr of work

If there is no full implementation of Tauhid in deeds, that is, there is the implementation of any shirk, then it is kufr or kufr of deeds.

The form of disbelief

Kufr is of two types but its three forms.

1. Nifaq

2. External kufr

3. Absolute kufr


When Islam is practiced outside by concealing disbelief in the heart, it is called hypocrisy. In simple language, when only the disbelief of the heart exists, then the blatant disbelief does not exist, then it is called hypocrisy.

External kufr

When only blatant disbelief exists, it is called outward disbelief.

Absolute kufr

When both the disbelief of the heart and the blatant disbelief exist, it is called complete disbelief.

Who is the kafir?

A person is a kaafir who disbelieves or denies Tawheed in his heart or denies it in deeds, that is, he believes in Shirk in his heart or admits it or practices it in his heart. It is to be noted that if a person disobeys something in his deeds, that is, if he does not follow any command or obligation of Allah, or if he does not reject any forbidden or haraam deeds, he will not be a kaafir unless he is shirk. Salat is an exception. If one intentionally omits the prayer, he will become a disbeliever.

If a person disobeys any command of Allah other than leaving the prayer, he will be a transgressor and not a kaafir unless he commits shirk. And If a person commits shirk, he will become a kaafir and he will have to repent and recite Kalima Shahadat anew, that is, he will have to accept Islam anew.

How many types of kafir

There are three types of kafir in the form of kufr.

1. Hypocrite

2. External kafir

3. Perfect kafir


A hypocrite is one who conceals disbelief in his heart and practices Islam outside. In simple language, in which only the disbelief of the heart exists, the blatant disbelief does not exist.

External kafir

He in whom only blatant disbelief exists is called an outward disbeliever.

Perfect kafir

A person who has both the disbelief of the heart and the blatant disbelief is called a complete disbeliever.

How many types of perfect infidel

There are two types of the perfect infidel.

1. Explicit infidel

2. Obscure infidel

There are two types of kafir based on knowledge and understanding.

1. Knowledgeableinfidel

2. Ignorant infidel

Knowledgeable infidel

The one who knowingly disbelieves is a knowledgeable disbeliever.

Ignorant infidel

He who disbelieves unknowingly is an ignorant disbeliever.

Tags: kufr meaning, what is kufr, what is kufr in Islam, define kufr, kufr definition, kufr in Islam, kufr meaning in English, kufr definition Islam, Islam kufr, types of kufr, kafir meaning, kafir Islam, what does kafir mean, kafir Arabic, kafir in Arabic, what is kafir, kafir definition, define kafir, what is a kafir, kafir meaning in English, definition of kafir, Islam kafir, kafir in Islam, what is a kafir in Islam, Muslim kafir, kafir Muslim, what does kafir mean in Arabic, kafir in English, the meaning of kafir in Islam, the meaning of kafir Islam, infidels definition, infidels meaning, what do infidels mean, the definition of infidels, what are infidels, who are the infidels, define infidels, what is infidels, define disbeliever, disbeliever definition, disbelievers in Islam, 
