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Steps of Hajj in order. Rules of Hajj in Islam
Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is what are the types of Hajj and the rules for performing different types of Hajj.
What are the types of Hajj?
There are three types of Hajj. Namely:-
1. Tamattu
2. Kiran
3. Ifrad
Tamattu is the best among them. Although the polytheists considered it against the sanctity of Hajj and considered it a depraved act.
1. Hajj tamattu
In the month of Hajj, performing Ihram of Umrah by doing Baitullah Tawaf and after the Saa of Safa-Marwar, shaving the head or cutting the hair to become halal, first completing the work of Umrah. Then on the 8th of Zilhajj, leave your place of residence and put on the Ihram of Hajj and go to Mina in the morning. And Then on the 9th Zilhajj stay till sunset in the Maidan of Arafah and after spending the night in Muzdalifah, return to Mina on the morning of the 10th Zilhajj and throw 7 pebbles in the big Jamrah and make the initial halal after shaving the head.
Then go to Makkah and become fully halal at the end of ‘Tawaf Ifada’ and Sa’i. After that return to Mina and stay there for 11, 12, 13 three days in three jamras by throwing 3 x 7 = 21 pebbles every day and then return to Makkah and complete the work of Hajj by doing farewell Tawaf.
Note that Tamattu Hajj is only for those outside the Haram or Miqat, not for those inside (Baqarah 2/196).
2. Hajj Kiran
It can be done in two ways-
(a) Wearing Ihram for Umrah and Hajj at the same time. In other words, Allahumma Omratan Wa Hajjan is tied to Ihram.
(b) First putting on Ihram for Umrah and then combining the intention of Hajj with Umrah before starting Tawaf of Umrah.
Those intending to perform this Hajj will first complete the work of Umrah i.e. perform Tawaf and Sa’i but do not shave their heads. And will be in the state of Ihram. Then complete Hajj on the days of Hajj. However, if you perform Sa’i after the first Tawaf, you do not have to perform Sa’i after the obligatory Tawaf of Hajj. Note that it is obligatory to give Qurbani during Kiran Hajj.
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) himself performed the Kiran Hajj in the Farewell Hajj. But for those who did not have Qurbani with them, he ordered them to perform Tamattu Hajj and said, if I had understood earlier what I understand now, I would not have brought Qurbani with me. Rather, I would have performed Umrah with you and become halal (i.e. performed Hajj).
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2555 ‘Farewell Hajj’ paragraph.
If the Qiraan Hajj becomes halal after performing Tawaf and Sa’i, then it becomes ‘Umrah’ and he then performs ‘Tamattu’ Hajj.
3. Hajj Ifrad
Just for Hajj, saying ‘Labbayk Allahumma Hajjan’, putting on Ihram, and completing the Hajj formalities after performing Tawaf and Sa’i as usual. However, like the Kiran Hajj, in this Hajj, if you perform Sa’i after the first Tawaf, you do not have to perform Sa’i after the obligatory Tawaf of Hajj.
The rules of Hajj Kiran and Ifrad are the same. The only difference is that the Hajj Qiraan will require ‘hi’ or animal sacrifice. But there is no need for sacrifice in Hajj Ifraad.
Rules of Tamattu Hajj
There are two parts to Tamattu Hajj. The first is performing Umrah and the last is performing Hajj. Tamattu Hajj is a combination of Umrah and Hajj. Below are the complete details of Umrah and Hajj:-
Umrah rules
1. Tying Ihram
2. Performing tawaf
3. Performing Safa-Marwa Sai
4. Shaving the head or cutting all the hair short.
In the month of Hajj, performing Umrah by wearing Ihram, and Baytullah Tawaf, and after Saa-e-Safa-Marwar by shaving the head or cutting the hair to become halal.
1. Tying Ihram
Bangladeshi pilgrims usually perform Tamattu Hajj. It usually takes five and a half hours by air to reach Jeddah from Dhaka. Tamattu Hajis will assume Ihram for Umrah after performing ablution immediately after the arrival announcement and green signal given by the aircraft at least half an hour before landing in Jeddah.
If the Bangladeshi pilgrims go to Makkah via Madinah, they will enter Ihram from Dhul-Hulaifa, not before. Because he came to Madinah from Jeddah as an ordinary traveler to pray in the Prophet’s Mosque, not for Hajj. And praying in Masjid an-Nabawi is not part of Hajj.
The specific place of Ihram
The specific place of wearing the Ihram is called Miqat in the Shari’ah language. Ihram can be tied from five places.
One. Zul Hulaifa or Bire Ali: This is the Miqat of Medinans and those entering Makkah through Medina.
Two. Yalamlam: It is the Miqat of those entering Makkah via Jeddah from Southeast Asian countries.
Three. Al-Juhfa: It is the Miqat of Syria, Egypt, and those coming from there.
Four. Qarnul Manajil or Assa’il al-Kabir: This is the Miqat for those coming from Najd.
Five. Jatul Irak: This is the Miqat for those coming from Iraq.
Sunnah of Ihram
(1) It is better to perform ablution or ghusl before Ihram. But not the condition. Women can wear Ihram while impure.
(2) Using perfume on the body, not on clothes.
(3) Wearing a white unstitched lungi and chadar for men. For women to wear any form of modest clothing, which does not resemble men’s clothing.
Ihram is worn after any obligatory prayer or after two rakat Nafal prayers of ‘Tahiyatul Azu’. However, wearing Ihram has nothing to do with Salat.
Shaykh Abdullah bin Jasser, Ahkamul Hajj (Riyadh: 3rd ed. 1412/1992) pp. 70-75.
Ihram Dua
Ihram should be done by reciting any one of the following supplications.
(1) Labbayek Umraatan (I appear for Umrah).
(2) Labbayek Allahumma Omratan. (O Allah! I appear for Umrah).
(3) Labbayk Allahumma Omratam Mutamattian Biha Ilal Hajji; Fayassirha li wa Takabbalha minni (O Allah! I have come for Umrah, as a beneficiary of Hajj. So make Umrah easy for me and accept it from me).
# Those who perform both Umrah and Hajj in the same Ihram will say, Labbayk Allahumma Omratan wa Hajjan.
## Those who put on Ihram only for Hajj will say Labbayk Allahumma Hajjan.
### But those who fear that they will not be able to perform Hajj due to illness or any other reason, will recite the conditional dua after saying ‘Labbayek Umratan’ or ‘Labbayek Hajjan’, Fain Habasani Ha-Bisun, Fa Mahalli Haichu Habastani. Meaning: If anything hinders (my performance of Hajj or Umrah), then wherever You hinder me (O Allah!), there will be my place of halal. (Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2711).
#### Those who perform Hajj on behalf of someone, if their Muwakkil is a male, should say in their hearts to him, Labbayek An-Fulan (I appear on behalf of so-and-so). And if it’s a woman, say, Labbayk An-Fula-nah. If you forget to say un fullan or Fula-nah, that’s fine too. Deeds will be accepted based on intentions, inshallah.
##### If there is a minor son or daughter (putting them in Ihram by performing ablution), their guardian will recite the above supplication on their behalf. (Qwahtani, pp. 52-55).
Prohibited things after Ihram
Ihram of Hajj and Umrah is like Tahreema in Takbeer. As a result, many things are prohibited for the Muhrim after the Ihram barrier. For example,
(1) Using perfumes.
(2) Removal of hair of the head and any part of the body by any means and cutting of fingernails and toenails for both men and women.
(3) Hunting birds or any animal. Even cooperating with cues to capture prey. However, it is permissible to kill harmful animals such as snakes, scorpions, rats, rabid dogs, mosquitoes, lice, etc. (Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2698-99).
(4) Making any sexual conduct, marriage proposal, marriage contract, or sexual discussion.
(5) Use of turban, cap, and handkerchief for men. But there is no harm in using an umbrella or something like that for shade in extreme heat or rain.
(6) For men to wear any type of stitched clothes like Jubba, Punjabi, Shirt, Genji, Socks, etc. However, there is no fault in wearing Ihram clothes with claps.
(7) Use of face covering and hand socks for women. However, it is obligatory to cover the face in front of other people.
(8) Arguing and talking and doing bad things against the Shariah.
Among the above acts, only sexual intercourse will invalidate Ihram. Ihram will not be canceled for the rest. But Fidya will be obligatory. That is, sacrifice a goat as an atonement or give three meals to 6 poor people or fast for three days.
Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat Ha/2688.
Of course, if someone does it out of forgetfulness or ignorance, compulsion, or while asleep, there is no sin or redemption.
The purpose of the above prohibitions is to free the Muhrim from worldly adornment and turn him completely towards Allah. The purpose of wearing unstitched clothes for men is to be pure and devoted to Allah, free from all adornment and display.
After entering Ihram until reaching Masjid al-Haram, abstain from things prohibited by Ihram and always recite the following supplication, called ‘Talbiya’, till it becomes halal. The men will move and the women will recite ‘Talbiya’ in a low voice.
Muatta, Tirmidhi et al., Mishkat Ha/2549.
Pronunciation: ‘Labbaika Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaika La Sharika Laka Labbaik; Innal Hamda Wanni Mata Laka Wal Mulk; La Sharika Lak’.
Meaning: I am present, O Allah, I am present. I appear You have no partner, I am present. Surely all praise, grace, and empire are Thine; You have no partner.
Note that during the Jahili period, the Arabs used to recite the following Shirky Talbiya during Tawaf. – Labbaika la sharika laka, illa sharikan hua lak; Tamlikuhu wa ma malak’ (I have no partner for you, only the partner that is for you. Whom you own and whatever he owns’). After the polytheists said ‘Labbaika la Sharika Laka’, the Prophet (PBUH) used to say Qada Qada (Stop, stop and walk) to them.
Muslim, from Ibn Abbas (RA); Mishkat Ha/2554 ‘Ihram and Talbiyah’ paragraph.
Islam came and changed the Shirky Talbiya and introduced the pure Tawheed-based Talbiya mentioned earlier. Rasulullah (PHUB) did not say any other words.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2541 ‘Ihram and Talbiyah’ paragraph.
After reciting ‘Talbiyyah’ one can recite the duas described in the Sahih Hadith to seek Allah’s pleasure and Jannah and escape from Hellfire. Like ‘Alla-humma inni asalukal jannah, wa a’uzu bika minannar’ O Allah! I ask you for Paradise and I seek refuge from Hell).
Abu Dawud ha/793; Sahih Ibn Hibban Ha/865.
Or say ‘rabbe qini ‘aza-baka yaoma tab achu ‘iba-daka’. ‘O my Lord! Save me from your torment! The Day You will resurrect Your servants.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/947 Tashahhud Dua’ paragraph-17.
Niyyat: It is enough to make Umrah or Hajj in mind and recite Talbiya. Saying ‘Nawaitul Umrah’ or ‘Nawaitul Hajja’ is an innovation.
Fiqh Hus Sunnah 1/464 p.
It should be noted that there is no evidence of reciting Niyyat orally for any worship other than reciting ‘Talbiya’ for Hajj or Umrah.
Virtue: The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a Muslim recites ‘Talbiya’, all the pebbles, trees and soil to the end of his voice to his right-left, east-west recite ‘Talbiya’ with him”.
Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Mishkat Ha/2550.
Twibi says that is, everything on earth declares unity with his Talbiyah.
If one forgets to recite the Talbiya, then he should repent and seek forgiveness from Allah and recite the Talbiya. He does not have to pay any Fidya for that.
Dua to enter Masjid al-Haram
If you only wish to see the Kaaba, raise your hands and say ‘Allahu Akbar’ and recite any dua or the following dua, which was recited by Umar (RA).
Allahumma antas salaam wa minkas salaam, Fa Hayyina Rabbana bis salaam. (O Allah! You are peace, from You comes peace, so O our Lord! Keep us alive with peace!).
Baihaqi 5/73; Albani, Manasikul Hajj wal ‘Umrah p. 20.
Then, while entering the Masjidul Haram, place the right foot first and recite the following supplication.
Allah-Humma Challe Ala Muhammad wa Sallam; Allahummaftahali Abwaba rahmatika’ (O Allah! You shower grace and peace on Muhammad. O Allah you open the doors of Your favor for me!’).
Hakem 1/218; Abu Dawood Ha/465; Ibn Majah ha/772-73; Shahihah Ha/2478.
Or say, A’uzu billa-hil ‘Azeem, wa Biwaz Hihil Kareem, wa Bisulta-nihil Qadimi Minash Shaytwa-nir rajim’ (‘I seek refuge in Allah, the Glorious and Glorious, and in His Great Appearance and Eternal Authority to be banished, Satan’). After reciting this dua, Satan says, the person became safe from me for the whole day.
Abu Dawud ha/466; Mishkat Ha/749.
There is no harm in reciting two duas together. This dua applies to entering any mosque, including the Prophet’s Mosque.
Dua to leave the mosque
Put the left foot first and say, ‘Alla-humma Challe ‘ala Muhammad wa sallam; Allahumma Inni Asaluka min Fazilika’ (O Allah! You shower grace and peace on Muhammad. O Allah! I seek Your favor’).
Or say, ‘Alla-humma challah ‘ala Muhammad wa sallam; Allahumma Chimni Minash Shaytwa-nir Rajim’ (O Allah! You shower grace and peace on Muhammad. O Allah! You protect me from the banished Satan’).
Ibn Majah ha/773; Shahihah Ha/2478.
There is no harm in reciting two duas together. Do’ati applies to all mosques including the Prophet’s Mosque.
2. Performing tawaf
Then enter through the Banu Shayba Gate near Hazare Aswad or any other gate and go straight to the Mataf in ablution state and start Tawaf (circulation) from under the green lamp along the ‘Hazare Aswad’ (black stone) at the south-east corner of the Kaaba leaving the Kaaba house to the left. will do This is called ‘Tawaf Qudum’ or Tawaf of arrival.
Note that Baitullah Tawaf is like Salat. That is why purity is a condition in it. If the ablution is rushed in the middle, one should repeat the ablution and start Tawaf from the beginning. If he doesn’t or doesn’t have time, he has to offer a Qurbani as Fidya. But sorry if you do it out of ignorance. Dua should be recited silently during Tawaf like Salat. But here Allah has permitted me to say a few good words under the condition of compulsion.
Tirmidhi and others; Mishkat Ha/2576; Irwa Ha/121;
It should be remembered that house circumambulation is not the main purpose, but the main purpose is to obey Allah’s order and gain His pleasure.
Then during this Tawaf, the men will perform ‘Yattiba’. That is, keep the cloth of Ihram above the left shoulder under the right armpit and keep the right shoulder open. However, during other Tawaf such as Tawaf Ifada, Tawaf Bidah, etc., and Salat, the Muhrim shall cover both his shoulders. Every Tawaf will start from Hazrat Aswad and end there.
At the beginning of Tawaf, point your hand towards ‘Hazree Aswad’ and say – ‘Bismilla-Hi Walla-Hu Akbar’ (In the name of Allah and Allah is the Greatest). Or just say ‘Allahu Akbar’.
Bayhaqi 5/79 p.
In this way, whenever you reach Hazare Aswad, you will say Allahu Akbar with a hand gesture or a kiss. There is no chance of being less crowded. However, if you get a chance, perform the Sunnah of kissing ‘Hazare Aswad’ at the beginning and end of Tawaf.
There will be a total of 7 Tawaf. The first three tawafs should be done ‘Ramal’ or with a little speed and the last four tawafs should be done at a normal pace. Women will always walk at normal speed.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2566.
Then reach the southern wall area from ‘Rukne Yamani’ in the south-west corner to ‘Hazre Aswad’ in the south-east corner and recite this dua in every Tawaf-
Pronunciation: Rabbana a-tina fidduniya hasanatao wa fil a-khiraat hasanatao wa kina aza-banna-r.
Meaning: O our Lord! Give us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of Hellfire.
Bakbarah 2/201; Saheeh Abu Dawud Ha/1666; Mishkat Ha/2581; Bukhari Ha/4522, 6389; Mishkat Ha/2487.
At this time touch ‘Rukne Yamani’ with your right hand and say ‘Bismilla-Hi Walla-Hu Akbar’. But don’t kiss. If it is not possible for the crowd, there is no need to touch it or point to it and say ‘Allahu Akbar’. Only ‘rabbana a-tina…do’ati will fall. Anas (RA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to recite this supplication most of the time. It should be noted that if you say Allah-Humma a-Tina or Allah-Humma Rabbana a-Tina instead of Rabbana, this dua can also be recited in Sijda. Apart from this, this dua can always be recited in Salat, Sa’i, Arafa, and Muzdalifah everywhere. It is an essential and comprehensive dua. which includes everything which can be read at all times.
It should be noted that Tawaf should be performed outside the Hatim, which is surrounded by a low high wall on the north side of the Kaaba. If you go inside, that Tawaf will be canceled and you have to do another Tawaf. Because the Hatim part is included in the original verse. If he is left out, the Kaaba will be left out.
Thus, at the end of seven tawafs, pray two Rakats of Nafal Salat in Maqbam behind Ibrahim or in any place of Haram Sharif if it is impossible due to the crowd. This time cover the right shoulder.
(a) This Salat may be recited at three prohibited times.
(b) If one goes out without offering this Salat due to any Shariah reason or by mistake, there is no fault in that. Because it is not obligatory.
(c) Salat is permissible here without Sutra. However, it is obligatory to show respect to worshippers. A goat can be crossed from the worshiper’s place of prostration.
Bukhari ha/496; Muslim Ha/1134.
(d) In the said Salat, after Surah Fatiha, recite ‘Surah Kafirun’ in the first rak’ah and ‘Surah Ikhlas’ in the second rak’ah. But you can read other suras too.
If you are sure that the number in Tawaf and Sa’i is less than counting, complete the rest. There is no fault if the concept is uncertain or over-calculated.
At the end of the prayer, if possible, kiss Hazare Aswad. Then enter the area of ’Yamzam’ near east-south and drink water from there and go up to the ‘Safa’ hill next to it.
3. Performing Safa-Marwa Sai
‘Sai’ means running. Thirsty mother Hajar, frantically searching for water for her and baby Ismail, went up to the mountains of Safa and Marwa to see if any merchant caravan could be found. This Sai has to be done keeping in mind those painful and painful memories.
Sai (run) seven times between Safa and Marwa.
Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat Ha/2557
Run a little harder between the two green spots between the two hills. But women will walk at normal speed. Women are not supposed to run during Sa’i probably because of their veil and for health reasons.
(1) Approach Mount Safa and say, We are starting from what Allah has started with. Then recite the following verse – Chafa wal Marwata min Sha’a-Irillah. Meaning: Surely Safa and Marwa are among the signs of Allah. (Baqarah 2/158).
(2) Then say ‘Allah-hu Akbar’ three times while climbing the mountain.
(3) Then climb the mountain and face the Ka’ba and raise both hands and recite the following dua three times-
Pronunciation: La ila-ha illallah-hu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumitu, wa hua ‘ala kulle shayin qadir. La ila-ha illallah-hu wahdahu la shariqa lahu, anjaza wa dahu wa nasara ‘Abduhu, wa hazamal ata-ba wahdahu’.
Meaning: ‘There is no god but Allah. He is single. He has no partners. To Him is all dominion and to Him is all praise. It is He who saves and He who kills and He is powerful over all things. ‘There is no god but Allah. He is single; He has no partners. He fulfills His promise and helps His servant and single-handedly destroys the enemy party. Along with this, other duas can also be recited seeking the welfare of the world and the hereafter.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2555; Abu Dawood Ha/1872.
(4) One Sai from Safa to Marwa, another Sai from Marwa to Safa. In this way, Sai will start from Safa and go to Marwa and the seventh Sai will end.
(5) Every time you rise to Safa and Marwa and face the Kaaba, raise your hands and recite the previous prayer. However, it is not necessary to recite the verse ‘Innach Chafa…’ while standing in Marwa.
(6) There is no specific dua in the state of Tawaf and Sa’i. Rather, whoever has memorized the dua, recites it silently. Of course, it is preferable to make the dua mentioned in the Sahih Hadith. The slave will offer all his thoughts to his Lord. Allah knows the hearts of His servants. Ibn Mas’ud and Ibn Umar (RA) read this time: ‘Rabbigfir Warham’ (O Lord! Forgive me and have mercy).
Bayhaqi 5/95 p.
(7) At this time read ‘Subhanallah’ ‘Alhamdulillah’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ or recite the Quran.
# Wudhu or purity for Sai is not a condition, but mustahab. (Fatawa Ibn Baz 5/264 p.).
## If you get sick in one of the Sais, there is no fault in putting the rest of the Sais in the trolley.
### During Tawaf and Sa’i, a group leader takes out a book and reads aloud while his companions move back and forth. This practice is innovation. It must be abandoned. Just as there is no happiness in reciting dua in unison and loudly without understanding the meaning, it does not make any impression on one’s heart. As a result, no good will be gained from parroting bullies like this. In addition, he will undoubtedly be guilty of disturbing others’ silent prayers and happiness.
#### It is a rule to do Sa’i after Tawaf. But if one does Sa’i before performing Tawaf Ifaaz out of ignorance or by mistake, there is no fault in that.
4. Shaving the head or cutting all the hair short
After the Sai is over, the hair on the head should be cut short or shaved.
During the Farewell Hajj, the Sahabah of Tamattu Kari cut their hair short. It is narrated in the hadith, then all the people became halal and they cut their hair short.
Muslim: 1218.
As such, it is better for Tamattu Haji to cut his hair short after performing Umrah. So that the hair of the head can be shaved after Hajj. If there is no hair on the head then just shave. After cutting or shaving hair, take a shower and wear normal tailored clothes. Will be in halal condition till 8 Zilhaj.
And the women shall deduct from the tip of each hair of the head the amount of a finger’s tax; Not more than that.
Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba: 3/147.
By completing the above tasks, the Umrah of the Muhrim will be completed. If he is a Tamattu Hajj or individual Umrah performer, all that was forbidden for him in the state of Ihram will become lawful for him. If Kiran, on the other hand, is a pilgrim, now he will not cut his hair short or shave his head. Rather, he will be in the state of Ihram until the first halal after stoning on the 10th of Zilhaj (the day of sacrifice).
At this time, you will be engaged in good deeds such as repentance, Istegfar, Salat, Sadaqah, Tawaf, etc. Especially the first ten days of Zilhaj, during which good deeds are rewarded much more than other times.
Special note for women
(1) Women cannot perform Hajj or Umrah without a Mahram partner.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2513, 2515.
Mahram are 7 people related by blood: (1) father-grandfather (2) son-son and subordinate (3) brother (4) nephew and subordinate (5) sister’s son and subordinate (6) uncle (7) maternal uncle. In addition, dairy-related groups.
4 people related to marriage: (1) husband’s son or grandson (2) husband’s father or grandfather (3) son-in-law, grandson-son-in-law, grandson-in-law (4) mother’s husband or grandmother-grandmothers husband.
(2) Menstruating women will perform all Hajj and Umrah except Tawaf (and Salat).
Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat Ha/2572
(3) If the impurity starts during or after putting on the Ihram of Umrah and does not become ripe before the 8th, then the Hajj will put on the Ihram of Hajj from his place of residence and then he will become a Kiran Hajjkarini for Umrah and Hajj together.
(4) Until he is purified, he will perform all the other rituals of Hajj, except Tawaf, Sa’i, Arafah, Muzdalifa, throwing pebbles in Mina, reciting various Du’a-Darood, performing Qurbani, cutting hair, etc.
(5) If it is impure, the pilgrim will return home without Tawaf.
Rules of Hajj
1. Tying Ihram
2. Staying at Arafah
3. Staying Overnight in Muzdalifah
4. Throwing pebbles at Jamratul Aqaba on 10th
5. Shaving the head or cutting all the hair short
6. Performing tawaf al ifadah
7. Performing Safa-Marwa Sai
8. Spending the nights of Ayam e Tashreek at Mina
9. Throwing pebbles in three Jamras on the 11th, 12th, 13th
10. Performing Farewell Tawaf
On the 8th of Zil-Hajj, leaving one’s place of residence, putting on the Ihram of Hajj, and going to Mina in the morning. Then on the 9th Zilhajj stay till sunset in the Maidan of Arafah and after spending the night in Muzdalifah, return to Mina on the morning of the 10th Zilhajj and throw 7 pebbles in the big Jamrah and make the initial halal after shaving the head. Then go to Makkah and become fully halal at the end of ‘Tawaf Ifada’ and Sa’i. After that return to Mina and stay there for 11, 12, 13 three days in three jamras by throwing 3 x 7 = 21 pebbles every day and then return to Makkah and complete the work of Hajj by doing farewell Tawaf.
1. Tying Ihram
Tamattu Hajj pilgrims who have previously taken off Ihram after performing Umrah and become halal will leave their place of residence on the morning of the 8th Zil-Hajj after performing ablution and ablution for Hajj, put on Ihram for Hajj and recite the following dua – Labbaik Allahumma Hajjan (O Allah! I am Hajj). appeared in your court for the purpose).
Go to Mina
Then, to recite ‘Talbiya’, one will set off towards Mina, about 8 km southeast of the Kaaba, and reach there before Zohar.
After that go to Mina and spend the night and pray separately in the mosque with Qasr only. However, if the imam reads in full in the congregation, he will also read in full. ‘Kasr’ means offering two Rakats of the obligatory prayers consisting of four Rakats. There is no need to recite the Sunnah during the visit. At this time, in Sijda and the last meeting, pour out your heart and pray. But don’t recite the Quranic prayers while bowing and prostrating.
It should be noted that Mina is the second residence of Haji Sahab after Makkah. Where they have to stay for three days of Tashreek after recovering from Arafah and Muzdalifah. After completing Hajj on the 9th, he must return to Mina on the morning of the 10th of Zil-Hajj and remain in the state of Ihram until the initial halal by throwing stones.
2. Staying at Arafah
After sunrise on 9th ZilHajj, proceed 14.4 km southeast towards Arafa Maidan to recite ‘Talbiya’ slowly from Mina and take a convenient position within the marked boundaries of the Maidan. Where he will stay from Zohr to Maghrib. On reaching Arafat, when the sun sets in the west, perform ‘Jamaa Taqdeem’ with the imam with one call to prayer and two Iqamats with Qasr. In other words, bring the Asr prayer forward and collect it with the Zuhr prayer and pray 2+2=4 Rakats with the Qasr. No Sunnah should be recited.
During his stay here, he will always be engaged in supplications, Tasbeeh, and recitation, and with both hands facing the Qibla, he will be praying to Allah with a calm heart, that Allah may include him among the freed slaves from Hell. Because the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ‘On the day of Arafah, Allah frees the greatest number of servants from Hell and He approaches and proudly says to the angels, Look what they want? (Muslim). In another narration, he descended to the lower heavens and said to the angels, “Be witness that I have forgiven them all.”
Rayeen, Bayjar, Tabarani, Sahih at-Targhib Ha/1154-55.
The Prophet (PBUH) said that the best dua is the dua of Arafah.
At-Tirmidhi, Mishkat Ha/2598; Shahihah Ha/1503.
The main task of Hajj is to stand in the field of Arafah and pray to God with repentance, forgiveness, dhikr, and Tasbeeh. During this time he will recite various dua mentioned in Sahih Hadith and keep reciting Quran. There is no specific dua for Arafah.
The Sunnati Khutbah of Hajj is delivered by the Imam or his representative after sunset. It is important to listen and perform the Asr prayer in one adhan and two iqamats with deposit and deduction. If it is not possible, they will gather in separate congregations in their tents.
It should be noted that on the 9th of Zil-Hajj, the pilgrims will not fast. However, for those who are not Hajj, fasting on the day of Arafah is a very good deed. The sins of the previous year and the next year are forgiven.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2044.
Through this, Muslim men and women in different parts of the world expressed their solidarity with the World Conference on Hajj. Which deeply inspires Muslim unity and solidarity.
Even if one stays for a while in the Maidan of Arafa or walks on the Maidan with the intention of Hajj between the morning of 9th Zilhajj and the dawn of Fajr of 10th Zilhajj, the obligation of standing at Arafa will be fulfilled.
Many stayed in Masjid Namira or its nearby area and moved from there to Muzdalifah. This ruined his Hajj because the names in the mosque are not included in the Arafa Maidan.
3. Staying Overnight in Muzdalifah
After sunset on the 9th Zilhaj, from the plain of Arafah, to recite ‘Talbiyyah’ and to repent and ask for forgiveness, slowly move towards Muzdalifah about 9 km to the north-west. Under no circumstances should departure take place before sunset. If you leave, you will have to come back and set off after sunset. If he does not return, then a Qurbani i.e. Fidya will be obligatory on him as an expiation. On reaching Muzdalifah, do ‘Jama Takhir’. That is, Maghrib will be delayed with Esha. One adhan and two ekamat and kasr i.e. three rak’ats of Maghrib and two rak’ats of Isha will be read. There is no fault in it if there is an emergency or a break in the muscle. There is no more prayer between the two prayers or after Isha’s prayer. Then the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) slept until dawn.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2555.
This means that he did not recite Witr or Tahajjud this night. Then wake up and read Fajr at Awwal time and go to ‘Al-Masharul Haram’ (i.e. Muzdalifah Mosque) or sit in your position facing the Qibla for a long time and recite Dua Istighfar. Then after getting well dressed, he will leave for Mina before sunrise.
It is permissible to leave the weak and women even after midnight. It is not permissible to depart before that. If you leave, you have to come back. Otherwise, a sacrificial Fidya has to be given as expiation.
It should be noted that even if you pass over Muzdalifah with intention after midnight, the obligation of staying there will be fulfilled. While traveling from Muzdalifah to Mina, pick up seven stones or pebbles a little larger than chickpeas from there or from the side of the road on the way. Which will be used when going to Mina and killing Jamratul Aqaba or ‘Big Jamra’.
At this time, the hard efforts of people climbing Muzdalifa Hill to collect special kinds of pebbles with torch light are only the result of heretical beliefs. The main thing to do in Muzdalifah is to go to sleep after praying Maghrib and Isha together. After that wake up and read Fajr at Awal time and face the Qibla and engage in prayer with a calm mind. The reason for this rest at night is that the next day the hardships of Qurbani and throwing stones will be easier. Like Arafa Maidan, there is no specific prayer here.
Return to Mina
10th Zil-Hajj After the Fajr prayer, before sunrise, he will leave for Mina to recite ‘Talbiya’ from Muzdalifah. Walk a little harder in the ‘Muhassir’ valley bordering the end of Muzdalifah and Mina.
4. Throwing pebbles at Jamratul Aqaba on 10th
After reaching Mina about 5 km north-west, after sunrise, first throw seven pebbles aiming at the Jamrat al-Aqaba, which is near Makkah, with Makkah on the left and Mina on the right. From then on, he will stop reciting ‘Talbiya’ and take off Ihram and become halal, although head shaving and Qurbani remain. If for some reason you fail to throw pebbles in the morning, throw pebbles in the afternoon or before sunset. Note that if the weak and women reach Mina before sunrise, they will wait until sunrise. Then hit the pebbles.
While throwing each pebble, raise the right hand and say, ‘Allah-hu Akbar’ (Allah is the greatest). In this way, hit seven pebbles with Takbeer seven times. The sound of this Takbeer is a declaration of Allah’s greatness by the believer against Satan and includes worship like the Takbeer of Eid. It must be read in Kankar House. It is not a condition to put on the pillar.
After that, the intention during the sounding of Takbeer will be that I will throw away the devil and satanic law in my entire life and put Allah and Allah’s law above all circumstances. Hajj will be successful only if the struggle of prioritizing Allah’s law over Taghut after Hajj will be successful inshAllah.
As soon as you reach Mina, before or after noon, you should throw pebbles and perform Qurbani.
As a reward for passing the unique self-sacrifice test of sacrificing an only son of old age with his own hands and voluntarily accepting it on behalf of the son for the sake of God’s pleasure, the Qurbani ceremony is to be performed keeping in mind the pious memory of Dumba’s great sacrifice sent from heaven. So that Muslims can always place the love of Allah above the love of the world. About four thousand years ago, on this day, a historic event took place in this Mina desert.
(a) Qurbani is therefore to be performed within the ‘haram’ area including Mina and not outside. If one performs Qurbani outside the Haram area in Maidan Arafat or elsewhere, he must return to the Haram and perform Qurbani again. If you are unable to do so, you should perform 3 fasts during the Hajj and 7 fasts after returning home for a total of 10 fasts.
Note that Qurbani can be performed in Makkah without Mina. Because Makkah, Mina, Muzdalifah, and Azizia are all included in Haram. But not Arafat.
(b) Haji can buy sacrificial animals from the Mina market and slaughter them in a slaughterhouse and bring meat.
The sacrificial animal must be beautiful, healthy, and free from defects. At the time of Qurbani, if the camel is standing, the blood will flow out by stabbing the base of the throat, which is called ‘Nahar’. And if it is a cow or a goat, keep its head towards the south and turn to the left, facing the Qibla, and quickly slaughter it with a sharp weapon. However, even if you forget to face the Qibla, there will be no blame inshaAllah. During Nahar or slaughter recite the following dua ‘Bismilla-Hi Walla-Hu Akbar; Allahumma minka wa laka, Allahumma Takabbal minni’. Meaning: ‘Sacrificing in the name of Allah. Allah is the greatest. O Allah! It is from You and dedicated to You. O Allah! You accept it from me. If from another man say ‘Min Fulan’ and from a woman say ‘Min Fula-nah’.
Bayhaqi 9/286-87.
One goat or Dumba per person and one cow per seven persons or one camel per seven or ten persons can be sacrificed.
Muslim ‘Hajj’ Chapter Ha/1318; Mishkat Ha/1458; Tirmidhi, Nasa’i, Ibn Majah, Mishkat ha/1469 ‘Qurbani’ paragraph.
Girls can also do slaughter or Nahar.
It is important to know that it is not permissible to sacrifice an animal and leave it behind. Rather, it must be sinful. Because sacrificial animals are sacrificed to God and are highly respected. Therefore he has to select the quota carefully, eat it himself, give it to others, and must distribute it among the fakir-poor. If you can’t do it yourself, you have to give the responsibility to someone you trust. At present, if the prescribed money is deposited in the bank for Qurbani, the Saudi government, performs the responsibility on behalf of Haji Sahib. The people of the government-approved organizations go to the government slaughterhouse in the name of the said Haji.
Then they are filtered with the help of machines and kept whole or cut into pieces and kept in the refrigerator, wrapped in thick polythene, and sent to the governments of the respective countries for distribution among the poor in different countries. Therefore, it should be understood that the duty of Qurbani is completed by depositing the “Rial” prescribed for Qurbani or Hadai at various bank counters located in front of the salon area near Khaif in the mosque of Mina Ghaif or elsewhere. There is no need to wait till the Qurbani is over.
(c) If one cannot afford to buy a sacrificial animal, ten fasts must be observed instead. three in Hajj (before the 9th Zilhajj or after the 10th Zilhajj) and the remaining seven returning home (Baqara 2/196). Fasting is prohibited for all on the 10th Zilhajj day of sacrifice and the three days of Tashreek.
Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2048-50.
However, the three fasts of Fidia can be kept for three days.
Bukhari ha/1997-98 on the authority of Aisha and Ibn Umar (RA).
(d) It should be noted that the 10th Zilhajj Takbeer with stone-throwing is a substitute for Eid ul-Azha Takbeer and salat. That is why the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) gave a sermon to everyone after throwing pebbles on the farewell Hajj day. For example, when he was in Medina, he used to give a sermon after the Eid prayer. Since Rasulullah (SAW) and Khulafay Rashedin did not perform the Eid-ul-Azhar prayer in Mina, it is not performed.
(e) But on this day, after throwing pebbles in the big Jamra, the Eid Takbir is ‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ila-ha Illalla-hu; Allah-hu Akbar, Allah-hu Akbar, wa lilla-hil Hamd’ (Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no god but Allah. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, and to Allah is all praise’) should be recited repeatedly.
5. Shaving the head or cutting all the hair short
Men then shave their heads or cut all their hair short. Women will only cut the tip of the hair slightly. Then he will take off his Ihram and become halal and wear normal clothes. But it will be primarily Halal or ‘Tahallul Awal’. As a result of this halal, everything can be done as usual except for conjugal intercourse.
6. Performing tawaf al ifadah
After that, going to Makkah and doing ‘Tawaf Ifazah’ will become completely halal. There is no need to ‘Ramal’ at this time. ‘Tawaf Ifazah’ is also called ‘Tawaf Ziyarat’. It is one of the pillars of Hajj. If you don’t do it, the Hajj will be destroyed. So it should be done at night on the 10th of Zilhajj. Otherwise, it is better to do it in Ayyam between Tashreek i.e. 11th, 12th, and 13th of Zilhaj. Note that the entire month of Zilhajj is included in the months of Hajj. Therefore Tawaf Ifazah must be completed within this month. But if for any reason this month passes, then his Hajj will be performed. But a Qurbani Fidya has to be paid. Women who are afraid of menstruation can cure ‘Tawafe Efazah’ by temporarily stopping menstruation by using medicine at this time.
Fiqhs Sunnah 1/537-38
7. Performing Safa-Marwa Sai
Tamattu Hajis will perform ‘Tawafe Ifazah’ and perform Safa-Marwa Sa’i. Then it will be fully halal. But if Kiran and Ifrad Hajis perform ‘Tawaf Qudum’ with Sa’i at the beginning after reaching Makkah, then do not perform Sa’i again after Tawaf Ifazah at the end. At the end of ‘Tawafe Ifazah’, return to Mina on the same day and spend the night.
8. Spending the nights of Ayam e Tashreek at Mina
It is wajib to spend the night in Mina on the three days of Tashreek during the 11th, 12th, and 13th days of Zil-Hajj. At this time, it is better to perform the five-time prayer in the congregation in Khaif mosque. At this time both fractional reading and full reading are permissible.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/1347.
It should be read as the imam reads.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/1139.
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) used to visit the Kaaba every night and return after doing Tawaf. One can go from Mina on the first night to Makkah on the last night. If he does not spend the night in Mina, he has to offer a Qurbani as Fidiya. From noon of the 8th Zilhajj to the Maghrib of the 13th Zilhajj one has to stay in Mina and Muzdalifah for an average of 5 days. However, it is permissible to return from Mina to Makkah before the evening of the 12th. Many come to Makkah instead of staying at Mina and spend the night in Mina during the day. It is impermissible to do so without compelling Shari’i justification.
If one does this, he has to offer a Qurbani as Fidiya.
9. Throwing pebbles in three Jamras on the 11th, 12th, 13th
A total of 70 pebbles have to be thrown in Mina in 4 days. 1st Day 10th Zilhajj Day of Qurbani 7 in the morning of Big Jamra. Then the 11th, 12th, and 13th Zilhajj every afternoon after the sun sets in the west in the evening in three Jamras 3×7=21 making a total of 63. Pebbles can also be thrown at night when forced. Any pebble a little larger than a chickpea will do and can be picked up from anywhere. However, it is mustahabb to pick up the first seven pebbles from Muzdalifah or from the road on the way back to Mina to kill the Big Jamrah on the 10th. The idea that ‘pebbles of special size and quality should be collected from Muzdalifah Hills’ is just a baseless fiction.
Etiquette of throwing pebbles
(a) First the ‘Jamra Chugra’ (small) which is nearest to the mosque Khaif, then the ‘Usta’ (medium), and finally the ‘Kubra’ (large) should be pelted. If one throws pebbles before the sun sets in the west, or breaks the rule by throwing pebbles first in the ‘large’, then in the ‘middle’, and finally in the ‘small’ Jamra, then he has to offer a Qurbani as Fidya. Approach the Jamra’s high pillared house with full decency and politeness and throw pebbles into it.
Every time saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ raise the right hand and hit seven pebbles seven times. Care must be taken to see if it falls into the house or not. Otherwise, you have to hit again and fill in seven numbers. If a pebble is miscalculated or one or two are accidentally dropped or lost, there is no fault. But if all are lost, the pebbles must be collected and beaten. Otherwise, you have to pay Fidia.
(b) Put pebbles in the small and middle Jamra and move a little away each time and stand facing the Qibla and raise both hands and pray to Allah for a long time. Then after throwing the pebbles in the big Jamra, there is no need to stand or pray.
(c) At this time, hurrying, quarreling, talking loudly, hitting someone, throwing shoes and sandals, falling on someone, stepping on feet, etc. should be avoided from all painful activities. In the name of killing Satan, these are just another type of Satanic deeds. The sacred ceremonies of Hajj are very important acts of worship. It is essential to refrain from all innovations while observing them. Otherwise, the possibility of being deprived of the merits of Hajj will remain.
(d) It is not permissible for an able-bodied man or woman to delegate the task of stone pelting to another. The one who has the pebble should be beaten.
(e) There is no rule to perform the Qaza of stone pelting at other than specified times. However, if one fails to throw pebbles within the evening period due to Shari’i Ujr, then he can throw pebbles during the period from sunset to Fajr as a condition of obligation.
(f) If a weak, sick, or incapacitated woman is commissioned by the Haji for replacement Hajj or due to overcrowding, she should first throw seven pebbles for herself. Later the assignor will cast seven stones on behalf of the Muwakkil.
g) If you want to complete the Hajj after the 12th Zilhajj, you should leave Mina before sunset and head towards Makkah. There is no problem if the sun sets in Mina due to the crowd at the time of departure. But if the sun sets in Mina before departure, then one should stay and the next day at noon, after the sun sets, one should set off by throwing 21 pebbles in three Jamras as usual. Better to be late on the 13th than early on the 12th.
h) If there is an obligatory Shari’i weight, then one day instead of the first two days, one can return to Makkah by throwing stones.
10. Performing Farewell Tawaf
No Hajj except menstruating women can leave Makkah without Tawaf.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2668.
If one does that, then he has to offer a Qurbani as Fidiya. Therefore, the pilgrims will return to Makkah after completing the prayers in the Minaret and performing the farewell Tawaf at Baitullah. There is no need to do Sai at this time.
However, if they have not done ‘Tawaf Ifazah’ before, then Tamattu Hajis will perform ‘Tawaf Ifazah’ and Sa’i and leave the country with full halal. Then he no longer has to perform the farewell Tawaf. On the other hand, if the Hajis Kiran and Ifrad performed Sa’i during Tawaf Qudum in the beginning, they do not have to perform Sa’i now. Only by doing ‘Tawafe Ifazah’ will you leave the country as halal. Similarly menstruating women will return home without farewell tawaf.
Say ‘Allahu Akbar’ three times while leaving Baitullah and returning home. Then recite the following dua:
Pronunciation: La ila-ha illalla-hu wahdahu la sharika lahu; Lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa hua ‘ala kulli shayin qadir; A-yibuna ta- ibuna ‘a-biduna sa-ziduna li rabbina ha- miduna; Chadaqballa-hu wa’dahu wa nashara ‘Abdahu wa hazamal ahza-ba wahdahu.
Meaning: There is no god but Allah, He is One. He has no partners. To Him is all dominion and to Him is all praise and to Him is power over all things. We return to Safar as penitents, as worshippers, as prostrators, and as praisers to our Lord. Allah made His promise come true, defeated His servant (Muhammad), and alone defeated the combined (infidel) power.
Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2425.
Steps of Hajj in order. Rules of Hajj in Islam. Hajj Dua
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