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What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj

What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj Info

What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj বিবরণ

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What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is what is the meaning of Hajj, Hajj definition, what are the types of Hajj.

What is the meaning of Hajj?

The literal meaning of the word Hajj is to resolve or desire. And the literal meaning of Hajj is to go to Makkah and visit Baitullah at a certain time of the year with the procedure prescribed by Shari’ah to attain nearness to Allah.

What are the types of Hajj?

There are three types of Hajj. Tamattu, Kiran and Ifrad. Among these ‘Tamattu’ is the best. Although the polytheists considered it against the sanctity of Hajj and considered it a depraved act.

(1) Hajj Tamattu

In the month of Hajj, performing Umrah by wearing Ihram, and Baytullah Tawaf, and after Saa-e-Safa-Marwar by shaving the head or cutting the hair to become halal. Then on the 8th of Zilhajj, leave your place of residence and put on the Ihram of Hajj and go to Mina in the morning. Then on the 9th Zilhajj stay till sunset in the Maidan of Arafah and after spending the night in Muzdalifah, return to Mina on the morning of the 10th Zilhajj and throw 7 pebbles in the big Jamrah and make the preliminary halal after shaving the head. 

And Then go to Makkah and become fully halal at the end of ‘Tawaf Ifada’ and Sa’i. Then return to Mina and stay there for 11, 12, and 13 days in three Jamras, throw 3 x 7 = 21 pebbles every day, return to Makkah and perform farewell Tawaf and leave for the country.

Note that Tamattu Hajj is only for those outside the Haram or Miqat, not for those inside (Baqarah 2/196).

(2) Hajj Kiran

This can be done in two ways- (a) Simultaneous Umrah and Hajj Ihram (b) First Ihram for Umrah and then combining the intention of Hajj with Umrah before starting Tawaf of Umrah.

Those intending to perform this Hajj, as usual, after Tawaf and Sa’i, complete the main rituals of Arafah-Muzdalifah Hajj, come to Mina, throw 7 pebbles in the Big Jamrah, and after performing Qurbani and shaving their heads, they will become Halal. Then go to Makkah and at the end of ‘Tawafe Ifada’ will be fully halal. After that, he returned to Mina and stayed there for three days and then came to Makkah and returned home after the farewell Tawaf. Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) himself performed the Kiran Hajj in the Farewell Hajj. But for those who did not have Qurbani with them, he ordered them to perform the Tamattu Hajj and said, If I had understood earlier what I understand now, I would not have brought Qurbani with me. Instead, I would have performed Umrah with you and become halal (i.e. performed Hajj).

Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2555 ‘Farewell Hajj’ paragraph.

If the Qiraan Hajj becomes halal after performing Tawaf and Sa’i, then it becomes ‘Umrah’ and he then performs ‘Tamattu’ Hajj.

(3) Hajj Ifrad

It becomes halal only by wearing Ihram for Hajj and completing Tawaf, Sa’i, and Hajj rituals as usual.

The rules of Hajj Kiran and Ifrad are the same. The only difference is that the Hajj Qiraan will require ‘hi’ or animal sacrifice. But there is no need for sacrifice in Hajj Ifraad.

What is the meaning of Hajj? Hajj definition? Types of Hajj

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