Dua Masura in Arabic with English transliteration
Dua Masura in Arabic with English transliteration
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Dua Masura in Arabic; The meaning of Masura is described in the hadith. As such, all the Dua e Masura are mentioned in the Hadith. Not just a blessing. However, the following prayer has gained fame in this country as ‘Dua e Masura’.
اللّٰهُمَّ إِنِّيْ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِيْ ظُلْمْاً كَثِيْراً، وَلاَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوْبَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ، فَاغْفِرْ لِيْ مَغْفِرَةً مِنْ عِنْدِكَ وَارْحَمْنِي، إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الغَفُوْرُ الرَّحِيْمُ
Pronunciation: Alla-humma inni jalamatu naksi zulman kachirao ala yagfiruz junuba illa anta, fagfirli magfiratam min indika warhamni innaka antal gafurur rahim.
Translation: O Allah! I have done many wrongs to my nafs. There is no one to forgive those sins except you. So forgive me especially for being on your side and have mercy on me. Surely Thou art the Forgiving, the Merciful.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat H / 942’ Tashahhud Doa Paragraph-17; Bukhari H / 634 Azan Chapter-2, Doa before Salam Paragraph-149.
At the end of the Tashahhud, there is a special request to recite the following dua –
Pronunciation: Alla-humma inni aujubika min ‘aya-b jahannama wa a’ujubika min’ aya-bil kabri, wa aujubika min fitnatil masihi dajja-li, wa aujubika min fitnatil mahiya wal mama-ti. Meaning: O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the torment of the Dajjal, and from the torment of life and death.
Muslim, Mishkat H / 940-41
At the end of the Doa between Tashahud and Salam, the Messenger of Allah (sm) used to recite the Doa of Neem:
(1) Pronunciation: Alla-hummagfirli ma kwaddamtu ama akshartu, wama asrartu ama a lantu, wama asraftu, wa ma anta alamu bihi minni; Antal muqbaddimu wa antal muakhkhiru, la ila-ha illa anta.
Translation: O Allah! Forgive me for all my past and present sins (and forgive those sins) so that I have transgressed and those sins which you know more than me. You own the front and the back. There is no god but you.
Muslim, Mishkat H / 613 ‘Salat’ Chapter-4, ‘What to read after Takbir’ Paragraph-11.
(2) Alla-humma inni asalukal jannata wa a’yu bika minanna-ra ‘
(O Allah! I am praying to You for Paradise and seeking refuge from Hell).
Abu Dawood H / 693, ‘Salat Chapter-2, Paragraph-126; Sahih Ibn Hibban H / 65
Know about Doa between Tashahhud and Salam: Rasulullah (sm) used to recite different Doa between Tashahhud and Salam.
Muslim, Mishkat H / 613 What to read after takbeer ‘Paragraph-11; Nawabi, Riyadus Salehin ‘Zikir’ Chapter H / 1424.
It has been narrated at the end of Tashahhud (i.e. Attahiyatu) narrated by Ibn Masood (R) that Rasulullah (sm) said, then he will do whatever he likes among the Dua.
Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat H / 909; Miraat H / 915, 3/235.
Explaining this, a group of scholars said that there is no sin at this time and it is not against manners, but all kinds of prayers can be made in this world and in the Hereafter. On the other hand, the other group says that one should only pray through the Does mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith. Because Allah’s Apostle (sm) has said, in this salat we cannot speak ordinary human words. It is only Tasbeeh, Takbeer, and recitation of the Quran.
Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nasai, Mishkat H / 98
The similarity between the two hadiths can be that all such Doa can be made to Allah, not for the purpose of others and not against manners. However, since the entire ceremony is in Arabic, it is not safe for non-Arabs to pray in Arabic, which they have prepared for themselves. Secondly: It is better for everyone to recite the dua of Hadith. But when the Doa is not known, it would be best for him to recite at the end of the conventional Doa Mashurah (Allah-Humma Inni Jalamatu …) a substantial Doa like the following Doa, which covers all the necessities of this world and the Hereafter. . Anas (R) said, Rasulullah (sm) used to recite this prayer most of the time.
Allahumma Rabbana Atina Fiddunia Hasanatao Wafil A-Khirate Hasanatao Wa Kina Aza-Banna. Or Alla-humma a-tina fiddunia ..
O, Allah! Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hell.
Bukhari Hadith No. 4522
At this time the issues of worldly needs will be included in the intention. Because Allah knows the heart of the servant and hears the cry of his heart. It is better not to mention any specific subject during the prayer. Because Allah knows best what is good for the servant in the future.
Tags: dua masura in english, dua masura in arabic, dua masura english transliteration, dua masura in English text, dua masura translation, dua e masura in english, dua e masura arabic, dua e masura transliteration, dua e masura translation in english,