Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Today’s topic of discussion is Who is Allah in Islam and What is the meaning and definition of Allah?
Meaning of the word Allah
The word Allah is a noun. This is a noun. But This word did not originate from any other word. So this name is not suitable for taxes other than he. It is not valid to remove Alif Lam from this word. Alif Lam, such as R Rahman and R Rahim, can be removed.
In other words, the word Allah was Ilah. Alif Lam was later applied in place of his Hamza. But Some people say that the word Allah comes from the word Allah.
Who is Allah in Islam?
‘Allah’ is his greatest name. In the middle of this name, there are all the beautiful names. This name has all the high qualities.
All creation whose obedience is divine is Allah.
Allah is the one who worships everything in the world.
Allah is the one who is called to the calamity of calamity.
He is the hope of all creation.
Allah is the One to whom prayer is sought.
Allah is the one on whom all creation depends.
He is the name of the Being who was before when there was none, who is and will be forever.
Allah is the name of the One who sits on the throne, Who manages everything. And who has power over all things?
Allah is the Name of the One Who holds all things, No one can escape from his kingdom.
He is the name of the One who encompasses all things, No knowledge can surround him.
Allah Ta’ala says, Innani anallahu la ilaha illa anna fa-budani wa akimis salati li zikri meaning I am Allah, there is no Ilah but me. So worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance. ( Surah Ta Ha: Verse No. 14)
Meaning of the name Allah
He added that the best names belong to Allah. So call him by those names. And shun those who go astray from His name. They will be recompensed for what they used to do. ( Surah A’raf: Verse No. 160)
Therefore, among Allah’s beautiful names and attributes, there is the secret theory of the name ‘Allah’. We need to know Allah’s name and characteristics well.
Some say Allah’s original word was ‘Hu’, which means he. He is first called ‘Hu’, pointing to that entity. Then, knowing that he is the creator and owner of all things, the ‘lam’ of relating before that word is extended. So, it is called Lahu. That means everything is his. Then, Alif Lam was added to him for Ta’eem, and he became Allah.
The most accurate thing is that the word Allah is a noun. His Alif Lam is also an integral part of the original word. The proof of this is that this word is preceded by the word ya in the form of Nida. On the other hand, the word which is preceded by Alif Lam is not called Ya Ar Rahman, Ya Ar Rahim, Ya Al Karim.
Similarly, it is said that Ar-Rahman is a name of Allah; But it is not said that Allah and Rahman have a name.
It is to be noted that the name ‘Allah’ appears in the Quran 2696 times. If we recite ‘Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim’ at the beginning of every surah except Surah Tawbah, the total is 2610 times.
Who is Allah in Islam? What is the meaning and definition of Allah?