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Rules of fasting in Islam. Pillars of fasting in Islam

Rules of fasting in Islam. Pillars of fasting in Islam Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim – Rules of fasting. There are two Rukn or pillars of fasting, the combination of which completes the fast. E.g. Intend Abstain from eating and drinking 1. Niyyat The first of the two rukans or fards of the rosary is niyyat. The…

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The importance of fasting in ramadan

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim The importance of fasting in ramadan Today we want to discuss the importance and virtues of fasting. Many virtues of fasting have been mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith. I am discussing some issues with him.  One. Fasting is only for Allah Allah Almighty has declared the relationship of fasting with Himself….

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Sawm meaning in Islam. What is the purpose of Sawm?

sawm meaning, sawm definition, what is sawm in Islam, define sawm, what does sawm mean in Islam, what is the purpose of sawm, siam meaning Sawm meaning in Islam. What is the purpose of Sawm? Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is what is the meaning of the word Sawm, what is Sawm, what…