What is complete kufr and What is complete kafir?



What is complete kufr and What is complete kafir?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Today we will discuss complete kufr and complete kafir. In order to understand what is complete disbelief, one must first know how many types of disbelief there are and what are the forms of disbelief. In order to understand what a complete disbeliever is, one must first know how many types of disbelievers there are and what are the forms of disbelief. So first we will discuss this then we will discuss in detail complete disbelief and complete disbelief inshaAllah.

How many types of kufr and what are they?

There are two types of disbelief. E.g.

1. Internal Kufr

2. Manifest Kufr

What is Internal Kufr

If there is complete faith in Tauhid in the heart and complete disbelief in Shirk, then it is Iman. And if the heart does not have full faith in Tawheed, that is, it has faith in any shirk, then its name is Kufr or disbelief of the heart.

What is Manifest Kufr

If there is full recognition and implementation of Tauhid in words and deeds and complete denial and non-implementation of Shirk, then it is Islam. And if there is no full recognition or implementation of Tauhid in words or deeds, there is no recognition or implementation of any shirk, then it is disbelief or blatant disbelief.

What are the forms of kufr?

Although there are two types of disbelief, there are three forms. Namely:

1. Hypocrisy

2. External Kufr

3. Complete Kufr

Our main topic today is complete kufr which is one of the three forms of disbelief.

What is complete kufr?

When both the disbelief of the heart and the blatant disbelief exist, it is called complete disbelief.

How many types of Kafir

There are three types of kafir in the form of disbelief.

1 . Hypocrite

2 . External Kafir

3 . Complete Kafir

Who is a complete kafir

One who has both the disbelief of the heart and the blatant disbelief is called a complete disbeliever.

How many types of complete kafir

There are two types of perfect kafir. E.g.

1 . Clear kafir

2 . Obscure kafir

What is a clear kafir

Whoever is a kaafir is obviously a person who does not consider himself a Muslim, does not claim to be a Muslim and is not known as a Muslim, a non-Muslim is a clear kaafir. In a word, non-Muslims are clear kafirs.

What is an Obscure kafir

It is vague to be a kaafir, that is, a person who considers himself a Muslim, claims to be a Muslim, and is known as a Muslim, not a non-Muslim or a kaafir, but is basically a kaafir. In a word, the one among whom disbelief exists among Muslims is a vague infidel.


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