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What is complete kufr and What is complete kafir?

  What is complete kufr and What is complete kafir? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Today we will discuss complete kufr and complete kafir. In order to understand what is complete disbelief, one must first know how many types of disbelief there are and what are the forms of disbelief. In order to understand what a complete…

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What is external kufr? What is external kafir in Islam?

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim What is external kufr? What is external kafir in Islam? Today we will discuss external disbelief and external disbelief. In order to understand what external kufr is, one must first know how many types of kufr there are and what are the forms of kufr. In order to understand what an external…

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Kufr meaning in English. Kafir meaning in Islam

  Kufr meaning in English. Kafir meaning in Islam Kufr meaning Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Kufr meaning: Kufr is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is to deny, conceal, to cover. In the technical sense, kufr is the act of disbelieving or denying something in Tawheed in one’s heart, or disobeying in deeds, that is, believing…