How many Rakats in Tahajjud prayer?

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How many Rakats in Tahajjud prayer?

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is how many Rakats in Tahajjud?

How many Rakats in Tahajjud?

There is no specific number of Rakats for Tahajjud or Qiyamul Lail; Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Night prayer two rakat, two rakat; When one of you fears fear, he will offer one rak’ah of prayer, which will make up for his previous prayers.

Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 990; Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 749

But it is better to limit it to eleven or thirteen rak’ahs; Since the number of Rakats of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was similar to that narrated by Aisha Radiyallahu Anha, she said,

The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to pray eleven Rakats after finishing the Isha prayer until Fajr; After every two Rakats he would offer salam and perform Witr by one Rakat.

Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 736

In another hadith from him: Abu Salama Ibn Abdur Rahman (RA) said,

He once asked Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) how the Prophet’s (may peace be upon him) night prayer of Ramadan was. Then He replied that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not pray more than 11 Rakats in the month of Ramadan and outside of Ramadan. He used to pray (2+2) four rakat first. You (Abu Salama) do not ask about her beauty and length. Then he used to pray (2+2) four Rakats. You don’t ask about her beauty and size. Then he used to pray three Rakats (Witr).

Sahih Muslim 2013

Ibn Umar (RA) said:

When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was in the pulpit, a person asked him, what is your opinion about the night (Nafal) prayer? He said: Two Rakats will be recited; One more rakat (Witr) should be recited if one fears fainting. It will invalidate his prayer.

Bukhari, Muslim

Considering the number of Rakats, there are a total of six methods of performing the night prayer in Sahih hadith; It is valid to adopt any of them. Methods discussed are:

First Method: 13 Rakat

Begin it by lightly praying two rak’ahs. According to the most prominent opinion, these two Rakats are the two Rakats sunnah after the obligatory Esha prayer or the specific two Rakats of prayer with which the Prophet (PBUH) used to start the night prayer. As in the past. Then perform two extremely long Rakats. Then two Rakats shorter than this will be recited. And then two Rakats will be recited less than before. After that, two Rakats will be recited that are less long than that. Then two Rakats shorter than this will be recited. Then one rakat of Witr will be recited.

Second Method: 13 Rakat

I will pray eight Rakats two by two and after every two Rakats I will return salam. After that five rakat Witr will be recited. Only sit in the fifth rak’ah and return the salam.

Third method: 11 Rakat

Between every two Rakats, the Salam will be returned and one Rakat Witr will be recited.

Fourth Method: 11 Rakat

Among them, the first four Rakats will be recited in one salam, then the next four Rakats will be read in another salam. Then three Rakats of Witr will be recited. Rasulullah (PBUH) used to sit between the two Rakats of these four and three Rakats. We do not get any satisfactory answer in this regard. However, sitting after two Rakats in the three rakat Witr Salah is not Shariah compliant.

Fifth Method: 11 Rakat

After performing eight consecutive Rakats, he will sit in the 8th rakat and after reciting Tashahhud and the blessings of the Prophet, he will stand up without returning the salam. After that one rakat Witr will be recited and salam will be returned. This is nine rakat. Then sit and offer two Rakats.

Sixth method: 9 Rakat

He will read six Rakats consecutively and sit in the sixth rakat, then recite Tashahhud and bless the Prophet (peace be upon him) and stand without returning the salam as before. After that, one rakat of Witr will be recited and Salam will be returned. This is seven rak’ahs. Then sit and read two Rakats.

These methods have been proven through clear evidence from the Prophet (PBUH). Other types can be added to these methods in such a way that the desired number of Rakats from each type will be reduced to one Rakat Witr. To follow the following sayings of the Prophet (PBUH). He said, whoever wants to pray five Rakat Witr, whoever wants to pray three Rakat Witr, and whoever wants to pray one Rakat Witr.

Tahawi, Ha/1603; Hakem, Ha/1128; Darakutni, Ha/1660; Bayhaqi, Ha/4776

How many Rakats in Tahajjud prayer?

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