Janazah prayer


Fard and Sunnah of Janazah prayer

Fard and Sunnah of Janazah prayer Fard and Sunnah of Janazah prayer Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is what are the fards and Sunnahs of the Janajah prayer. Fard of Janazah prayer There are six obligatory prayers. E.g. (1) Praying standing  (2) Giving four takbeers  (3) To recite Surah Fatiha  (4) To recite Darud …


Janazah meaning. What is a Janazah?

janazah meaning, what is a janazah, what is janazah, whats a janazah, what does janazah mean, define janazah, what is janazah prayer, janaza meaning, what is janaza Janazah meaning. What is a Janazah? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim; Inshallah, today’s topic of discussion is the meaning of Janazah, the provision of Janazah, and the Virtues of Janazah. Janazah…