How many Rakat in Fajr Namaz and how to pray Fajr?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Today’s topic of discussion is How many Rakat are in Fajr Namaz and how to pray Fajr prayer.
1. How many Rakat in Fajr?
Fajr prayer is 2 rakat sunnah, then 2 rakat farj.
2. How to Pray Fajr?
2.1. Fajr Namaz intention
Niyat means determination. Niyyat is essential at the beginning of Salat. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said, that all actions are dependent on intentions and every person will get what he intends. (1st Hadith of Sahih Bukhari and Mishkat) Therefore, after performing ablution for Salat and purifying yourself with clean clothes and body and mind, turn your back towards the Ka’ba house and with a firm resolve to pray in your heart, stand in front of your Lord with a humble heart seeking His pleasure. The traditional custom of reciting Niyyat orally is a new creation in Deen. It has no place in the Salat of the Prophet (PBUH). Many people remember the prayer of Zaynamaz and read Inni Wazzahtu… before starting the prayer. This custom is contrary to the Sunnah. There is no such thing as Jainamaz prayer.
2.2. Takbeer e Tahrima
After performing ablution, standing up to the Qibla and raising the fingers of both hands straight up to the shoulders or ears, proclaiming the greatness of one’s Lord and saying ‘Allah-hu Akbar’ (Allah is greater than all). Then, with the right hand on the left hand tied to the chest, with a dedicated heart before Allah, the creator will stand looking along the place of Sajdah.
Wael bin Huzoor (RA) said,
I prayed with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). In this situation, I saw that he placed his right hand on his chest over his left hand.
Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah ha/479; Abu Dawud ha/755, from Ibn Mas’ud; Oh, Ha/759
2.3. Sana
Chhana means praise. It is basically: Dua’aye Isteftah or Dua at the beginning of Salat; With folded hands on the chest and gazing at the place of Sajdah, with a humble heart, the Mushalli will auspiciously begin his best form of worship with the following prayer.
Pronunciation: Allah-humma ba-‘ed bayani wa bayna khatwa-ya-ya, kama ba’adata baynal mashriki wal maghribi. Allah-humma naqkini minal khatwa-ya, kama yunakkrach saobul ab yazu minad danasi. Allah hummagsil khatwa-ya-ya bil ma-yi was salji wal baradi’.
Translation: O Allah! Create a distance between me and my sins as You have created a distance between the East and the West. O, Allah! Cleanse me from sins, as a white cloth is cleaned from dirt. O Allah, wash away my sins with water, ice, and dew.
Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat ha/812 What to read after Takbeer’s paragraph 11.
This is called chana or dua e Isteftah. There are other Duas for chicks. But this dua is the purest.
2.4. Recitation of Surah Fatiha
Reciting Surah Fatiha along with Auzubillah and Bismillah in dua’ Isteftah or Chana’ and other rak’ahs only say Bismillah. At the end of Surah Al-Fatiha, say Amin loudly in the Zahri Salat.
2.5. Qira’at
After the recitation of Surah Fatiha, the imam or a solo Mushalli will recite any other surah or some verses of the Quran in the first two rak’ahs. But if the Muqtadi is in Zehri Salaat, he will read Surah Fatiha silently and listen attentively to the Imam’s Qiraat. However, in the prayer of Zohr and Asr, Imam Muqtadi will recite Surah Fatiha along with another Surah in the first two rak’ahs and recite only Surah Fatiha in the last two Rakat.
2.6. Ruku
At the end of the Qiraat, saying ‘Allahu Akbar’, raising both hands to the shoulders or ears, ‘Raful Yadayen’ will go into Ruku. At this time, put both hands on the knees and keep the legs, hands, back, and head straight, and pray to Ruku.
Dua of Ruku: Subha-na Rabbiyal ‘Azeem’ (Hallowed be my Lord the Great) recited at least three times.
2.7. Qouma
Then rise from the bow and stand straight and steady. At this time both hands will be raised to the shoulders while facing the Qibla and the Imam and Muqtadi will all say ‘Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah’ (Allah listens to him and praises him). Then the dua of ‘Qouma’ will be recited once.
Dua of Qawma: Rabbana Lakal Hamd’ (O our Lord! All praises are due to You). Or read – Rabbana wa lakal hamdu hamdan kachiran tayebam muba-rakan fihi’ (O our Lord! Praise be to You, the Holy and the Blessed). There are other prayers for Kawma.
2.8. Shijdah
After reciting Qamar Du’a, saying ‘Allah-hu Akbar’, first put both hands and then both knees on the ground and go to sajdah and recite more dua. At this time, both hands should be placed on the ground along the shoulders or ears on both sides of the head facing the Qibla. Elbows and armpits will be free. Do not hit the knees or the ground. The prostration will be long and the back will be straight.
As if there was a hollow like a kid passing through the bottom. Rise from Sijda sit on the left foot and keep the right foot upright. At this time, sit still and pray. After that, he will go to the second prostration and pray. Do not recite Quranic Du’a in Ruku and Sajdah. On the eve of standing in the 2nd and 4th rak’ahs, rise from Sijda and sit still for a short time. It is called ‘Jalsaye Istirahat’ or ‘relaxation meeting’. Then stand up with both hands on the ground.
Dua of Sijhah: (subha-na rabbial a’la) means ‘Glory be to my Lord the Highest. Read at least three times. Ruku and Sijda also have other Du’a. Dua for the meeting between two prostrations:
Pronunciation: Alla-hummagfir li warhani waz burni wahdini wa ‘afini warzhukni.
Translation: O Allah! Forgive me, have mercy on me, correct my condition, guide me, grant me health, and grant me sustenance.
Tirmidhi Ha/284; Ibn Majah ha/898; Abu Dawood Ha/850
2.9. Meeting
A meeting should be held after reading two Rakats. After reciting ‘Attahiyyah-Tu’ in the meeting, Darood, Do’aye Masurah, and other prayers are recited if possible. In the last sitting, the front of the left foot will be brought out through the bottom of the right foot and sit on the left hip and the right leg will be kept straight. At this time, the toes of the right foot will face the Qibla. During sitting, the fingers of the left hand will be in the Qibla direction and normal position along the edge of the left knee, and the right hand will be made into a fist like 53 and the shahadat will be pointing with the fingers until returning the salam. The worshiper’s gaze will not go beyond the gesture.
2.9.1. Tashahhud (Attahiyat)
Pronunciation: Attahiyya-tu lilla-hi wach chalawa-tu wat taayiba-tu assala-mu alayka aiyuhan nabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Assalamu alayna wa ala iba-dilla-hish cha-lihin. Ashhadu al-la-ila-ha Illallahu wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasulluhu. Translation: All honor, all worship, and all sacred things are for Allah. O Prophet! May peace be upon you and may Allah’s favors and blessings descend upon you. Peace be upon us and the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger (PBUH).
Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/909 ‘Salat Chapter-4, ‘Tashahud’ Chapter-15
2.9.2. Darood Sharif
Pronunciation: Allah-Humma Challe Ala Muhammadiu Wa Ala Ali Muhammadin Kama Challayata ‘Ala Ibrahima Wa Ala Ali Ibrahima Innaka Hamidum Majeed. Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadiu wa ala a-lay Muhammadin kama ba-rata ‘ala Ibrahima wa ala Ali Ibrahima innaka hamidum majid.
Translation: O Allah! May You shower mercy on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You showered mercy on Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Surely you are admired and respected. O, Allah! Send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. Surely you are admired and respected.
Muttafaq Alayh, Mishkat ha/919
2.9.3. Dua e Masura
The meaning of Machura is described in the hadith. As such, all the prayers mentioned in the hadith are Masura. Not just a prayer. However, the following prayer has become famous in this country as Dua e Machurah.
Pronunciation : Alla-humma inni jalamtu naxi zhulman kachirao ala yagfiruz junuba illa anta, fagfirli magfiratam min indika warhamni innaka antal gafurur rahim.
Translation: O Allah! I have done many injustices to my soul. There is no one to forgive those sins except You. So forgive me, especially on your behalf, and have mercy on me. Surely You are Forgiving and Merciful.
Muttafaq ‘Alaih, Mishkat Ha/942 ‘Tashahhud Du’a paragraph-17; Bukhari Ha/834 Azan Chapter-2, Dua’ before Salaam Paragraph-149.
At the end of Tashahhud, there is a special exhortation to recite the following dua –
Pronunciation : Allah-humma inni auzubiqa min ‘Aza-bi Jahannama wa a’uzubiqa min ‘Aza-bil Kabri, wa aujubiqa min fitnatil masihi dajja-li, wa ayuubiqa min fitnatil mahiya wal mama-ti. Meaning: O Allah! I seek Your refuge from the punishment of Hell, from the punishment of the grave, from the trial of the Dajjal, and the trial of life and death.
Muslim, Mishkat ha/940-41
At the end of the supplications between Tashahhud and salam, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to recite the following supplication:
(1) Pronunciation: Allah-hummagfirli ma qaddamtu ama akhshartu, wama asrartu ama a lantu, wama asraftu, wa ma anta alamu bihi minni; Angtal muqaddimu wa angtal muakhkhiru, la ila-ha illa anta.
Translation: O Allah! Forgive me all the secret and public sins (and forgive those sins) in which I have transgressed and those sins of which You know more than I. You are the master of the past. There is no god but You.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/813 ‘Salat’ chapter-4, ‘What to recite after Takbeer’ paragraph-11.
(2) Allah-Humma Inni Asalukal Jannata Wa A’Uzu Bika Minanna-R’
(O Allah! I ask You for Paradise and I seek refuge from Hell).
Abu Dawud Ha/793, ‘Salat chapter-2, paragraph-128; Sahih Ibn Hibban Ha/865
Knowledge of Dua between Tashahhud and Salam: Rasulullah (SAW) used to recite different dua between Tashahhud and Salam.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/813 What is to be recited after the Takbeer’ para-11; Nawabi, Riyadus Salehin ‘Zikir’ Chapter Ha/1424.
At the end of Tashahhud (i.e. Attahiyatu) narrated by Ibn Mas’ud (RA), it is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Then he will make the dua that he likes among the dua.”
Muttafaq alaih, Mishkat ha/909; Mir’at Ha/915, 3/235.
In the explanation of this word, a group of scholars said that at this time there is no sin and there is no difference in manners, all kinds of dua for the world and the hereafter can be made. On the other hand, the other party said that only the supplications described in the Quran and Hadith should be prayed. Because the Messenger of God (PBUH) said, we should not speak the familiar words of people in this sala. It is only Tasbeeh, Takbeer, and recitation of the Quran.
Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Mishkat Ha/978
The consistency between the two hadiths can be that all such supplications can be made to Allah, not for the sake of others and not contrary to manners. However, since the entire ritual of Salat is in Arabic, it is not safe for non-Arabs to pray in their own Arabic. Second: It is better to recite the Dua of the Hadeeth for everyone in all circumstances. But when the dua is not known, he should recite any substantive dua like the following dua after the customary dua e Masurah (Alla-Humma inni jalamtu…), which covers all the needs of this world and the hereafter. Anas (RA) said the Prophet (PBUH) used to recite this prayer most of the time.
Allahumma Rabbana Atina Fidduniya Hasanataw Wafil A-Khirate Hasanataw Wa Kina Aza-Banna. Or Allah-humma a-tina fidduniyyah…
O, Allah! O our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of Hellfire.
Bukhari Hadith No. 4522
At this time, worldly needs will be included in the intention, because Allah knows the heart of the servant and hears the cry of his heart. It is better not to mention anything specifically during the dua because God knows best what will be good for the servant in the future.
2.10. Salam
At the end of Dua’a Masurah, first to the right and then to the left, return the salam saying Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah (Peace and grace from Allah be upon you!). ‘Wa Barakatuhu’ (and his blessings) can be added at the end of the first salam. After completing the Salat in this way, he will first say ‘Allah-hu Akbar’ (Allah is the Greatest) once and ‘Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah) three times and recite the following dua and other supplications. At this time, the imam will turn to the right or left and sit directly facing the Follower. Then everyone will recite the following Dua along with other Dua.
Pronunciation: Allahumma antas salam wa minkas salam, taba-rakta ya jal jalali wal ikram.
Translation: O Allah, You are peace, from You comes peace. Blessed are you, O owner of dignity and honor.
3. Dua of Fajr Namaz
3.1. Prayer places in Salat
(1) Isteftah in Chana or Dua, which begins with ‘Alla-Humma Ba-Ed Bayani’
(2) The best du’a is Alhamdulillah’ and ‘Ihdinach Chira-Tal Mustakim’ in Surah Fatiha.
(3) In Ruku ‘Subhanaka Allahumma…
(4) After rising to Ruku, doa Rabbana wa Lakal Hamd Hamdan Kachiran… or other supplications.
(5) Subha-Naka Allah-Humma’ in prostration… or other supplications.
(6) Sitting between two prostrations and saying ‘Alla-Hummagfirli…’ 6-item prayer.
(7) Reciting various Duas including Masurah in dua before returning salam after Tashahhud in the last meeting.
(8) Opportunity to make a long dua through Qunut while standing in Qawma.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “The servant comes closest to his Lord during Sajdah; Therefore, at that time, pray as much as you can. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/894)
Another hadith states that he used to pray more during the time between Tashahhud and Salam in the last meeting. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/813)
After returning the salam, the servant’s prayer or secret conversation with Allah is lost. Therefore, one should finish all Duas before returning the salam, not after returning the salam. At this time, if someone asks for a specific prayer from the Muslims, then he will inform everyone in advance either himself or through the imam. So that the worshipers can include him in their prayers and intentions.
3.2. Practice after Fajr Namaz
1. Allah-hu Akbar (will move once). Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah.
Meaning: Allah is greater than all. I am asking forgiveness from Allah.
Muttafaq alaih, Muslim, Mishkat ha/959, 961 Zikr after Salat’ para-18.
2. Allah-humma antas sala-mu, wa minkas sala-mu, taba-rakta ya jal jala-li wal ikra-m.
Meaning: O Allah! You are peace, peace comes from you. Blessed are you, O owner of dignity and honor. After reading this, the imam can go up.
Muslim, Mishkat Ha/960
3. La ila-ha illallahu wahdahu la shariqa lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa hua ala kulli shayin qadir; La hawla wala kuwwata illa billa-h (loud). (Mishkat ha/963) Allah-humma a inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husna ‘iba-datika. Alla-humma la ma-ne a lema a taita ala mu tvia lema mana ta ala yafa’u jal jaddi mikal jadu.
Meaning: There is no god but Allah, He who is single and without partners. To Him belong all dominions and to Him all praise. He is powerful over all things. There is no power, no power, except Allah. (Mishkat Ha/963) ‘O, Allah! Help me to remember you, thank you and worship you beautifully. (Mishkat Ha/949) ‘O, Allah! What you want to give, no one can prevent and what you withhold, no one can give. A rich man’s wealth can do no good without Your mercy. (Mishkat Ha/962)
4. Razitu billa-he rabban wa bill isla me deen wa bimuhammadin nabiyyah.
Meaning: I am satisfied with Allah as Lord, Islam as Deen, and Muhammad as Prophet. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said Jannah will become mandatory for the person who recites this dua. (Abu Dawud ha/1529)
5. Allah-humma inni aujubiqa minal jubni wa aujubiqa minal bukhli wa aujubiqa min arzalil ‘umure; Wa aujubika min fitnatid duniya wa ‘Aza-bil Qabare.
Meaning: O Allah! (1) I seek refuge in You from timidity (2) I seek refuge from miserliness (3) I seek refuge from the worst age, and (4) seeking refuge from the trials of the world and (5) from the punishment of the grave. (Bukhari, Mishkat Ha/964)
6. Allah-humma inni auzubiqa minal hammi wal hazani wal ‘azzi wal kasale wal jubne wal bukhle wa zalaid dayne wa galabatir rizal.
Meaning: O Allah! I seek refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, from incapacity and indolence; From cowardice and miserliness, and the debt burden and human coercion. (Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2458)
7. Subhanallah wa bihamdihi adada khalqihi wa riza nasihi wa zhinata ‘arshihi wa mida-da kalima-tih (3 times). Meaning: Glory be to Allah and all praise is to Him. Equal to the number of His creatures, equal to the satisfaction of His Being, and equal to the weight of His throne and the extent of His glorious words. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2301)
8. Ya Mukallibal Kunube Chhabbit Kalbi ‘ala d’inika, Allah-humma Musharirfal Kulube Chararif Kulubana ‘ala Twa-atika.
Meaning: O changer of hearts! Make my heart firm on your religion. O convert of hearts! Turn our hearts to Your obedience. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Mishkat Ha/102)
9. Allah-humma adkhilnil jannata wa ajirni minan na-r (3 times).
Meaning: Oh Allah, let me enter Paradise and shelter me from Hell! (Tirmidhi, Nasa’i, Mishkat Ha/2478)
10. Allah-humma inni asalukal huda wat tuka wal ‘afafa wal gina.
Meaning: O Allah! I beseech You for guidance, mercy, purity, and prowess. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2484)
11. Subha-nalla-ha (33 times). Alhamdulillah (33 times). Allahu Akbar (33 times). La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa hua ala kulle shayin qadiir (1 time) / or Allahu Akbar (34 times).
Meaning: Holy God. All praise is due to Allah. Allah is greater than all. There is no god but Allah; He has no partners. To Him be all dominion and to Him be all praise; He is powerful over all things. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/966, 967)
The Prophet (PBUH) said, that whoever recites this dua after every obligatory prayer, all his sins will be forgiven. Although it is equivalent to sea foam. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/967)
In another narration, he said to Aisha and Fatimah (RA), to recite this dua at the end of every prayer and bedtime. That is better for you than a servant. (Muttafaq Alaih, Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2387-88)
12. Subha-nalla-hi wa bihamdihi, Subha-nalla-hil azeem. Or read Subhanallahi wa Bihamdihi’ 100 times in the morning and evening.
Meaning: Glory be to Allah and all praise is to Him. Holy is Allah, the Great.
As a result of reciting this dua, all his sins will be washed away. Although it is equivalent to sea foam. The Prophet (PBUH) said about this dua that there are two kalima, which are very dear to Rahman, very light in speech, and very heavy in scale. That is Subha-Nallahi…. (Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2296-98)
Imam Bukhari (RA) concluded his world-famous book Sahih al-Bukhari with the above hadith and supplication.
13. Ayatul Kursi:
Allah-hu la ila-ha illa huwal hayyul qayyum. La ta’khujuhu senatu wala naum. Lahu ma fissama-wati wama fil arya. Maan Jallazi Yashfa U Indahu Illa Bi Ijnihi. Yalamu ma baina aidihim wama khalfahum, wala yuhituna bishaiim min ‘ilmihi illa bima sha’a; Wase’a kursiyuhus sama wa-te wal r; Wala yaduhu hifju huma wa huwal ‘Aliyul Azim (Baqarah 2/255).
Meaning: Allah, there is no god but Him. Who is eternal and the bearer of universal character. No drowsiness or slumber can overtake him. Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him without His command? He knows everything before and behind them. Being His ocean of knowledge they can master nothing, only as much as He wills to impart. His throne encompasses the entire heavens and the earth. And supervising them does not tire him at all. He is supreme and great.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There is no other obstacle to entering Paradise except death for the one who recites Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer” (Nasa’i). If recited at bedtime, an angel is assigned to guard him till morning. So that Satan cannot come near him’ (Bukhari). (Nasa’i Kubra Ha/9928, Silsila Sahihah Ha/972; Mishkat Ha/974)
14. Alla-hummafini behala-leka ‘an hara-meka wa agnini bifadlika ‘amman sewa-ka.
Meaning: O Allah! You make me sufficient by Halal without Haram and by Your grace make me independent from others! The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, that even if he owes a mountain of debt as a result of this prayer, Allah will arrange for his debt to be released. (Tirmidhi, Bayhaqvi (Dawatul Kabir), Mishkat Ha/2449)
15. Astaghfirullah-hallazi la ila-ha illa huwal haiyul qayyum wa atubu ilahi.
Meaning: I seek forgiveness from Allah. There is no god but Him. Who is eternal and the bearer of universal character. I turn to Him with a contrite heart or repentance.
Allah forgives him if he recites this dua, even if he is a fugitive from the field of Jihad. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Mishkat Ha/2353)
Rasulullah (PBUH) used to repent 100 times a day. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2325)
Rasulullah (SAW) used to order the recitation of Surah Falaq’ and ‘Nas’ at the end of every prayer. (Mishkat Ha/969)
He used to recite Surah Ikhlas, Falak, and Nas every night before going to sleep and used to blow his hands and cover his whole body including his head and face as much as possible. He would do this three times. (Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/2132).
3.3. prayer
Munajat means talking to each other secretly. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “When one of you is engaged in prayer, he prays to his Lord, that is, he speaks in secret.” (Bukhari (Delhi Print) 1/76 p.; Muttafaq Alaih, Mishkat Ha/710) So Salat is not a meditation, but the name of the servant’s direct request for forgiveness and prayer to Allah. What cannot be said to anyone in the world, the creator says to the slave with Allah. Allah understands the language of his servant’s eyes and hears the cry of his heart. Allah says, call me. I will answer your call. (Mumin/Gafir 40/60).
The Prophet (PBUH) said Du’a is worship. (Mishkat Ha/2230) Therefore, the method of supplication must be according to the Sunnah. We have to look at how the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) prayed. As he prayed, we must pray. If you leave the way he left behind and make dua in another way, it will be more likely to be a sin than to be accepted. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made Du’a in Salat.
The duration of the prayer from after the Takbeer Tahrima to the return of salam. (Mishkat Ha/312) During this silent period of prayer, the servant prays to his Lord. ‘Shalaat’ means supplication, supplication, etc. From Chana to the return of Salam, there is only dua and dua throughout the prayer. When the meaning is understood, the servant does not ask for anything other than those prayers. Yet there is ample opportunity to pray alone after the return of salam. Then any valid prayer can be made in any language.
3.4. Collective Dua except for the obligatory Salat
After returning the salam at the end of the obligatory prayer, the imam and the Muqtadi raise their hands together and read the dua in the voice of the imam and the Muqtadi says Amin ‘Amen’ is a new creation in the religion. There is no Sahih or Zaif evidence for this from Rasulullah (SAW) and the Companions. It must be said that even today in the mosques of the two Harams of Makkah-Madinah, the said custom does not exist.
3.5. Disadvantages of conventional combined dua
(1) It is against the Sunnah. Therefore, no matter how sweet and beautiful it may seem, according to the meaning of Surah Kahf verses 103-4, there is a possibility that the person will be included among the wrongdoers.
(2) As a result, Musalli gives more importance to matters outside of Salat, i.e. traditional prayer, than to his own Salat. That’s why nowadays people are giving more importance to prayer than obligatory prayer and they are more interested in joining the heretical event called Akhiri prayer and crowding there in groups.
(3) As a result of its evil, a mushalli does not learn the meaning of anything even though he prays for all his life. Instead, at the end of the prayer, the face of the imam is waiting for the prayer.
(4) He does not understand anything that the Imam Arabic said in the prayer. On the other hand, he cannot say anything. Before that, he could not pour out his heart in the prayers he recited in Salaat, because he did not know the meaning.
(5) As the Imam is unaware of the mind of the worshiper, the worshiper only says ‘Amen’.
(6) One of the motives of Imam Saheb may have been to win the hearts of listeners and devotees through long melodious prayers in Arabic-Urdu-Bengali or other languages. As a result, the poets of ‘Riya’ and ‘Sruti’ are likely to sin. ‘Riya’ is called ‘small shirk’ in the hadith. (Ahmad, Mishkat Ha/5334) As a result, there is a definite possibility that all the good deeds of Imam Sahab will be wasted.
3.6. Raise both hands alone and pray
At any time outside of Salat, the slave will supplicate to his Lord in any language; But the supplication of Hadith is better. When a servant raises his hands and prays alone in silence, Allah is ashamed to return his hands empty. (Abu Dawud, Mishkat Ha/2244) The girl will make supplication with her palms together and in front of her face. (Abu Dawud ha/1486-87, 89) The hadith of Hand to face after prayer is Zaif, (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Mishkat Ha/2243, 45, 2255) Rather, he will release his hands after the prayer while standing.
(1) Rasulullah (SAW) raised his hands to Allah and cried and prayed alone for his Ummah. (Muslim ha/499)
(2) On the day of the battle of Badr, he raised his hands to Allah alone and prayed with a loud voice, facing the Qibla. (Muslim ha/4588)
(3) Saddened that some people of the tribe of Banu Jazima were killed by mistake, the Prophet (PBUH) alone raised his hands twice and sought forgiveness from Allah. (Bukhari, Mishkat Ha/3976)
(4) In the battle of Awtas, the nephew of Abu Musa Ash’ari (RA) who was killed, performed ablution and prayed alone for Abu ‘Amer Ash’ari (RA). (Bukhari ha/4323)
(5) He raised both hands and prayed alone facing the Qiblah for the guidance of the people of Daos. (Bukhari, Al-Adabul Mufarad Ha/611)
(6) At the time of Hajj and Umrah, when saying Sa’i, climb the Safa hill turn towards the Kaaba, and raise both hands. (Abu Dawud ha/1872; Muslim, Mishkat ha/2555)
(7) To raise two hands and pray alone in the Maidan of Arafah. (Nasa’i Ha/3011)
(8) After throwing pebbles in the 1st and 2nd Jamra, move away a little and raise both hands facing the Qibla. (Bukhari ha/1751-53)
(9) To raise hands while traveling. (Muslim, Mishkat Ha/2760)
Moreover, when one supplicates in the Friday and Eid sermons or other gatherings and conferences, the others (without clapping hands) will only say Amen. (Sahih Al-Adabul Mufarad Ha/461) Even when one person prays, the other can say ‘Ameen’ at the same time. It should be noted that always performing ablution, facing the Qibla, and holding two hands are not prerequisites for supplication. Rather, the servant will pray to Allah anytime and in any situation. For example, different dua’s are always made at the toilet, urinal, home, and traveling. And Allah has commanded the servant to call on Him anytime and in any situation. (Baqara 2/186, Mu’min/Gafar 40/60; Bukhari ‘Supplications’ Chapter-80, Paragraph-24)
3.7. Quranic Dua
Reciting Quranic Du’a in Ruku and Sijda is prohibited. (Mishkat Hadith 873). However, it can be read with slight phonetic changes while keeping the meaning. Such as saying Allah-Humma Rabbana Atina or Allah-Humma a-tina Fidduniya… instead of Rabbana Atina Fidduniya … (Bakbarah 2/201). (Bukhari Ha/4522). However, after Tashahhud in the last meeting, before returning the salam, all types of dua based on Sahih Hadith including Quranic dua can be recited.