What are the things that break your Salah?
What are the things that break your Salah?
Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim, today’s topic of discussion is how many and what are the reasons for breaking Salah.
Reasons for breaking Salah
There are 19 famous reasons for breaking prayers. Namely:-
1) Reading impurity in prayer.
2) Talking during prayer.
3) Greeting someone.
4) Answering salam.
5) Making uh-ah sounds.
6) Coughing for no reason.
7) To make Kachir during the period.
8) Screaming in danger or pain.
9) Open the umbrella for the duration of three Tasbeehs.
10) Taking Lokma of other people except Muqtadi.
11) Responding to good news and bad news.
12) Prostration in unclean places.
13) Deliberately or without reason abandoning any rule or order of prayer.
14) Reading the Qur’an in prayer.
15) Eating or drinking anything during prayer.
16) Laughing while praying.
17) Answering Hachi in prayer.
18) Asking for something worldly in prayer.
19) Standing the Muqtadi before the Imam.
What are the things that break your Salah?
What are the things that break your Salah?
Importance of Salah and Benefits of Salah in Islam
Salah meaning. What is Salat in Islam?